The greatest moral challenge of our generation thread

I currently work with a few public service departments, and the large majority are great people doing good things.

Things that affect that come from many, many levels above, and often from people who have no idea about the day to day operations.

There’s lots of square pegs in round holes just because there’s bodies that they can task.

Morrison should call it quits.


This shit will play well in his cunty base.

There’s also this:

The only positive in that article being “Murdoch, 88”.

This is a great read - articulates something in climate change reporting that has shit me for ages.

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In Tasmania, the Liberal government intends to legislate sentences of up to 21 years – more than many get for murder – for environmental protest, legislation typical of the new climate of authoritarianism that has flourished under Morrison. As Australia burns, what we are witnessing nationally is no more or less than the criminalisation of democracy in defence of the coal and gas industries.


Flanagan is so good - shows no mercy on Morrison.

AEF’s going off lately, wish I’d gotten in earlier. Do you know of any other ethical/sustainable/renewables focused companies that are worth looking into?

Not really but there’s a dozen or so managed funds that do the work for you. There’s also community solar but they tend to fill up quick.

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Big protest today, starting 5.30pm at Town Hall.

The time for complacency has well and truly passed - if it’s possible to be there, be there.

edit - and just in case any further incentive was needed:


I’m so pissed off I’m considering writing letters to our numpty state and federal nationals members.

Tell them how engry you are!

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Is the dam about to burst?

He’ll just get replaced by some happy clapper willing to toe the line

Not with the amount of rain we’ve been getting…

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Co2 emissions from the bushfires are (so far) the equivalent of almost 50% of our annual emissions.

You can bet if this report had Australia ranked at the top Morrison would suddenly claim it’s very credible. What a muppet.

Meanwhile, looks like all of Australia will be hell on earth next week with a lovely heatwave.

It’s fucking criminal that journos continually allow him to get away with non-answers, such as “I don’t think it’s credible”.