The greatest moral challenge of our generation thread

Al Jaber said: “I accepted to come to this meeting to have a sober and mature conversation. I’m not in any way signing up to any discussion that is alarmist. There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C.”

At least he doesn’t have a vested interest in lying… oh.

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Seems legit

A reminder that fuck CFG


Someone published a list of CFG teams. It’s quite funny that only a small handful are doing well. In fact Man C and Melb C are probably the most successful

I’ve put zero effort into checking the veracity of this.

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After the 2023 smashed ocean temperature records, along with a host of other records such as earth energy imbalance… 2024 has proceeded to immediately smash ocean temperature records.

Fish kill on an oceanic scale!

A little known factoid is that last year America exported more thermal coal ( 32.5 million metric tons ) than ever which in it’s way makes sense because coal is now down to 19% in America’s energy mix of generated energy.

Australia though despite in the same situation of coal being a reduced player in our own energy mix generation exported 198 million metric tons.

It’s a double edged sword that one. Without the coal, other countries are going to have huge issues in power production. See what happened in China when they banned Australian coal, you had entire cities having to go without power as there was shortages. It’s up to each country’s governments to steadily change over the power usage to renewable, it’d be pretty shit if we just shut shop in the middle of a northern winter and decide we’re no longer sending coal out externally.

Assume you mean fact? A factoid is something that is literally not true but is so often repeated that people believe it.

#sfcu pedantry


I do. I just like the word “factoid”. :smiley:


Technically it could be a factoid as the articles clearly indicate that US shipped MORE than 32.5 million metric tons and Australia exported NEARLY 198 million metric tons

#sfcu pedantry on top of sfcu pedantry


Been watching some earlier South Park episodes recently and some of the climate change denial stuff is pretty bad. I’ve seen people talk about the way they treated Al Gore but there is another ep where “Earth Day” people are shown as lunatic fantatics who just want to blame the Republicans for everything. The irony is fucking amazing. For a couple of smart guys Parker & Stone really swallowed the line.

Ill give them credit that they’ve since gone back on that though. At least they didn’t double down on it

It’s a TV show. In the context of actual climate change rather than some cartoon fiction over the top parody I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck.

That kind of stuff is what gave the fossil fuel industry cover for decades. They just reinforced it with billions of dollars of disinformation and we’re still living with the consequences.

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It’s a TV show with an absolutely huge following and whether you like it or not, has the power to influence the way of thinking of a large portion of the population.

I think you vastly overestimate its influence, it peaked at 6m US household viewership, about 5% of all US housholds, in 2000.

Even if you assume that they influenced everyone in every household, which simply isn’t going to happen, 5% isn’t a large portion of the population.

It’s not the same 6 million watching every week…
