The greatest moral challenge of our generation thread

Fester outrage, lib community outreach 101

Yeah its been their strategy for at least two decades. Unfortunately its very effective. We aren’t the smartest nation in terms of politics.

It wasn’t last election though. Not only did Morrison and co hurt them but they genuinely lost ground to environmental campaign funded independents.

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A Ford Ranger Raptor that is an EV will still have arseholes driving them. :stuck_out_tongue:


The problem for the conservative line of argument is that there’s a huge gap between regulations that alter the supply of new cars and taking people’s cars off them.

Most people don’t have brand new cars in any case, so if you’ve got an ICE vehicle you like, drive it till it stops, but if you’re in the market for a new car you’re going to have a more fuel efficient range of options.

Just don’t buy a cybertruck. Those things look like total pieces of shit.


Fake news worked so well for them at the last election… let’s hope they keep it up!

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I think the Liberals have been a thorn in Matt Kean’s side, honestly.

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Jobs for even the opposition boys.

I don’t think its supposed to do that …

Just wow.!!! :astonished:

Hell of an article to run on Friday the 13th…

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The owners of Cards Against Humanity are suing Elon Musk. Apparently the crowdfunded and bought a parcel of land on the Mexico border to protect it from Trump’s wall. Musk decided to destroy the land by dumping a whole load of shit onto it without permission. When they contacted him, he offered to pay it for half the price it’s worth

Both the Pantanal and Amazon are being gutted by climate-fuelled fires this summer. 183mt of carbon emitted in Brazil and 76mt in Bolivia, the latter having already broken the max annual record for the nation. 12 million hectares have burnt in Brazil from Jan to August, so around half of the black summer losses, but given the incredible biodiversity and carbon density in those ecosystems, this is a major tipping point.

While I don’t dispute that climate change is having an impact on the Amazon fires, the continued mass deforestation is having a much greater effect.
As it shrinks the Amazon is drying out. Less evapotranspiration is resulting in less rainfall which allows these fires to burn for longer.

Yes, that is also climate change (localised) but not in the way that we normally use the term (carbon emissions).
Stop the deforestation, allow the Amazon to regrow and the fires will be much less intensive. It’ll also suck a lot more carbon out of the air.

Definitely true, not to mention the fact a good portion of the fires are being deliberately lit for land clearing.

Even though I understand what you’re saying, I’d say it’s still 100% linked together across the board under general climate change. Even localized as the change in water will be affecting a whole load more areas and would more than likely be hitting the Atlantic as well.

The media loves to latch onto climate change and carbon emissions but it’s way way way more than just emissions. They fail to consider the oceans, trees and even mudflats as carbon sinks that are being affected by humans. They love to focus on industry, but then ignore other factors such as permafrost being lost, trees being destroyed that are themselves breaking down and emitting methane and CO2 etc.


Here’s a bit of in interesting one in my line of work. The PFAS/forever chemicals that have been detected in our drinking water streams. The media is really really really pushing it around as being disgusting that it’s there, claiming there’s been failures in monitoring etc. The irony of the situation, is that the amount detected is so absolutely low that there’s probably around 1000 other sources in our lives which would bare a greater impact on how much we absorb. They’re forcing the water sector to increase testing and monitoring of each site, yet there’s been no discussion about the industries that are pumping into waste streams having to monitor and ban the chemicals from their products.

Even the testing is extremely suspect. Reportedly, they tested the surface of the water where foam was present. It’s been widely accepted in science that PFAS loves foams and will always congregate around foams. The fact that they tested that, and didn’t even consider the fact that there’s a mass balance throughout the entire system is already a bit of a joke.