The Nelly Yoa Thread - does this thread exist?

The guy needs his own thread now that he is nominated for Australian of the Year:

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The combination of Newsmax and Nelly Yoa feels about right. Very 2021.

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Here’s the link to the full interview. Glorious stuff:

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He couldn’t get through his first paragraph without a lie. I stopped there.

I would actually argue that this thread is a terrible idea. It is either laughing at someone with quite serious mental health issues or it is promoting someone who keeps doing ridiculous things for the attention. Neither is particularly good in my opinion.

Anyway, that is just my 2cents.


By your logic we shouldn’t have a NSW politics thread


My laughter is directed at Newsmax, the predictable 2A mention as if guns are needed to keep the govt honest (over and above just compensating for a tiny penis) was superb.


I do feel sorry for the kid, apparently he witnessed the a massacre in Sudan, that shit would fuck anyone up