The Star - time to move

Great thread, where do I sign?

I remember when I used to believe in things. Now I am just happy for the club to take their money, and I quite like the look of the logo on the front of the shirts.


I still haven’t figured out what HealthE did.


Aggregated various non-essential health products into a subscription model. Failed to catch on.

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I once had to talk security into letting a mate in. Mate wasn’t drunk; he has cerebral palsy.

Subscription model?

They were 10 years too early!

There’s always a tweet

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Truth be told the slimy lobbying of NSW Clubs/RCA is just as bad. I mean they’re not open 7 days a week in the middle of residential areas until 5am for the purposes of “serving the community”. Gambling establishments be it casino, pokies, sports, horse/dog racing is the nth degree of extracting every last cent from their patrons no matter what the cost. However at the same time it taps into a very primal human need so the answer to it all is unclear to me, banning something has never worked anywhere, ever.


The government does require them to give a portion of profits back to the community. When I used to run a community group, the amount of grant money on offer from them was significant. It think we got over 50k one year just from one rsl

The profits were already in the community before the pokies vacuumed them out.


Can we also add Billbergia Group to the list? They’ve been referred to ICAC not once, not twice but THREE times now. Yet we’re quite happy to parade them around.

We have a billionaire owner, why are we continually taking money from unethical sources? You can add McDonalds into that mix too. And where is the due diligence from the club before they sign these contracts?

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Because that sponsor investment helps pay the bills. We’re not entering a morality contest.

Yes, Traktor is a billionaire (with a ‘b’). So are the owners of many football clubs and I’m sure they accept funds from questionable firms.

We can reject the idea of buying a jersey that promotes a crime syndicate. Club needs to do better, there’s literally thousands of others sponsors to approach and seek funds from with far less grubby pasts.

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Capitalism is a crime syndicate.


Is there really? You think if the club had options they’d really be going for The Star? I mean we’re Sydney FC, do you really think Franks Corner Shop is going to have the few million lying around to throw at a sponsorship?

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What are your thoughts on the AFL semi final the other night where Qatar Airways branding was displayed throughout the ground and one of the teams had an Emirates logo emblazoned on their kit?
How about Accor stadium at Homebush?
Do you use Uber?
Have you used illicit drugs?

I only know Accor is Homebush Stadium because you included that detail!

That’s a lot of whatboutery for one post.
In order: I hate the AFL

I hate the sports washing from the oil rich autocracies across all sports and in fact they have been fucking things over in our sport more than any with this sports washing and they should be constantly called out for it until they fuck off. They have distorted markets and ruined leagues and all to make their regimes seem benign.

The rest is irrelevant to sport. But people don’t have to be 100% consistent in all their views for them to be reasonable. The world is a complicated place and trying to find a flaw in someone’s view in on one issue by trying to find an equivalent inconsistency is not valid. The human world isn’t like maths.


Look if we’re going to get rid of casino sponsorship can we make sure we don’t get a Crypto sponsor instead?


How about a chemical company?