The TV Show Thread

I worked arvo shift at the time so didn’t catch it often.

It’s amazing how many foreign athletes got right into it.

Disappointed they didn’t ask Mark Coyne about his nickname.

It got so big that even foreign Olympians were asking how they could get on the show.

Great read about it here

I think it’s a travesty that Slaven and the Shamrocks have vetoed the release of “The Shambles”.

That would be much watch telly.

That Roy and HG podcast has really gotten me over a COVID induced mental hump. Everytime I’m feeling down I ask myself “How many PPe masks could we get for an SCG sized crop of pure heroin?”

Late to the party but The Boys is great. Somehow managed to get the wife into it which will make it an easy binge for this week.


Finally got around to watching Devs, what a fantastic series. Alex Garland can do no wrong


The Great on Stan…fucking brilliant.
Tony McNamara. Your tax dollars at work. Well worth a watch

I loved it! I actually watched all 10 episodes in one day. I can’t wait for the next season. It’s rare that a show makes you almost feel bad for the “villain”, but by the last episode I found myself hoping that the show would drag things out so I could enjoy more of Peter, but also rooting for Catherine. Huzzah!!

Has anyone here watched WACO series its supper good!! some may find it pro cult and vomit inducing though you have to hump over the us version of Netflix for this

I’ve been watching Space Force on Netflix. Has a great cast and is an absolute piss take of the USA’s statements about creating a militarised space force for real.

It got some pretty bad reviews so I haven’t yet watched. The premise and cast intrigue me though.

watched the first episode and thoroughly enjoyed it! Scarey when you realize it’s less a pisstake and more a comment on reality…

People joke about space force but it will legit be the most important area within the next ten years, if not already.

Militarizing space is where the issue is. Any countries caught launching military satellites with capability to launch attacks should be sanctioned and have all trade blocked off.

I just always enjoy the irony in where Russia, China and the US plus the other minor players, are in an uneasy “truce” knowing that the only option is Mutually Assured Destruction if anyone pushes too hard. Yet if they all demilitarize they have the exact same position with a millionth of the cost…

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I watched the first episode, then read a couple of reviews and noticed how poorly it fared. It’ll never be considered the best show in the universe, but it has some really funny moments in it.

5 years ago you would think that a President dictating policies with twitter was hilarious, now it’s just normal… That’s where it loses some of its’ impact

Two eps into gangs of London and I’m in!

Made by Gareth Evans so it’s basically The Raid but set in London and it fucking rules


The Great is good

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I loved this. Incredibly violent and well done action.

I want to watch this… where is it being shown?

It’s on sky, but I got it from a ship flying a black flag

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I’m halfway through ‘Dark’ season 3.

It’s always been hard to ‘keep up’ with, but this season takes the cake. Genuinely have no idea anymore.