World News-The US-Free Zone

Gantz isn’t part of the coalition though, so it wouldn’t affect much. He’s also wanting to change the law so that Ultra-Orthodox Jews are eligible for conscription

If Mossad have pulled off the helicopter crash then they’ve gone back up in my estimation…

Why? He doesn’t exactly have huge amounts of power, unless you’re thinking of the Supreme Leader?

It’s probably more likely a crash due to bad weather.

What Paulska says is correct, though. The president in Iran has a lot less power than the Supreme Leader.

Yeah, weather was apparently horrendous and yet to see any accusations against Israel.

Hasn’t Biden been seeding clouds with mind control contrails or some shit lately?

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Accidents happen everywhere, but not all accidents are equal…

The President and Foreign Minister are still pretty high up the food chain in anyone’s money plus Ebrahim Raisi had been seen as a highly possible successor to the Supreme Leader…and it will almost certainly set off a fierce scramble for power.

In terms of Iran’s nuclear strategy as President, Raisi was playing a highly important role alongside the IRGC…

Iran has fuck all access to spare parts. They’ve been under sanctions for basically my whole life. How else do you think Pete Mitchell was able to steal an F14 from them?

Knocking off their leadership would be a stupid strategy. But as they’re not really doing what they should to I guess it’s plausible.

I think you’re all overestimating Iranians’ ability to follow safety precautions, add shit weather to that, heli goes bye-bye and four I.R. pollies go die-die.

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If Nick fuentes can do it then so can they!!!

He’s utterly deranged.


So that’s why I like Golden Gay Times?


Reminds me of this.

More like this:



ICC will be pursuing arrest warrants against multiple individuals in the Hamas leadership team as well as Netanyahu


Also an attempted coup in DRC was thwarted after the opposition leader was shot in a running battle. What makes this one weirder still, is that US citizens were arrested during the fighting, including one who seems to be in the country under multiple different identities.

American interference?

Im not sure. It’d be silly if CIA operatives had been caught with American passports etc. Sill if they get caught in the first place

Could just be more idiots like the ones who tried to invade Venezuela a few years ago.