World News-The US-Free Zone

According to the Lancet, the death toll in Gaza is estimated to be 9% of the population.


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That’s a lot of terrorists

Left coalition & centrists have a majority over the RN in France - as long as they can do a deal of some kind.

I remember the Presidential election having a similar pattern right? The right look dominant before run-offs, then cant take a majority.

Fark. You’re going to feel that.

This time, they pretty much made an unofficial pact where anyone from the centre/left would step down from the ballot so they wouldn’t compete with the front runner. Very much an artificial situation and won them the election. Traditionally, the French President will chose the PM from the party that won, but the party that won is in itself an alliance. The party within the alliance with the most votes, the President has already previously stated he would never work with. So it’s going to be quite interesting. Even the leftist alliance has a whole load of ideologically opposed parties.

It’s not like the British system though- they have run offs until someone gets over 50%. It might have helped a little and created more certainty quickly but I dont think it would have majorly affected the outcome.

I actually think it could have been extremely different if they’d all stayed in. Each party has some really different ideologies and their voter bases would have been heavily affected. There seems to be less division in La Penn’s party. Maybe the right may not have won, but it would have been way closer, making Macron’s position even harder.

Sauce? I thought they could have plurality winners and minority governments in the second round, like other Euro parliaments

You’re right sorry - second round is plurality with candidates who had a floor of eligible voters in the second round.

Seems extra dumb now!

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Things getting crazy in Bangladesh.

Not quite as crazy as that time Chris Hemsworth tried to rescue some Indian millionaires son from some drug dealers and killed the entire Dhaka Police Dept in the process.


This is a fairly big deal. First time since George W Bush decided a general election would be a good idea that Hamas and Fatah have agreed to a unity government, even in principle. Also a big signal to the West that China was the peace broker.


The Chinese like trade.

Conflict there fucks with trade big time.

Conflict near Suez Canal is not in China’s interest.

Netanyahu is copping it at home for touring the US while hostages are still being held and he’s holding out on any deal.

I can’t imagine that a Hamas/Fatah rapprochement is going to help him either, given that I suspect their positions have become closer as Fatah feels more aggressive towards Israel rather than Hamas moderating.

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There’s two possible explanations: either Fatah is doing this without Israel’s blessing, despite the likely punitive repercussions in the west bank, or Netanyahu has accepted that it’s impossible to “destroy” Hamas and has authorised Fatah to make this deal in order to come up with some form of negotiated settlement that sees governance of Gaza handed over to the puppet PA, thus allowing him to claim Hamas is “defeated” in terms of political power.

It’s in Netenyahu’s best interest to drag this conflict out as long as possible though. The moment it ends, youre going to have a shitload of investigations into how it occured in tje first place

Nobody asked the Al Asqa Martyr Brigade what they think. :wink: Anyway this is an enemy of my enemy thing it seems however Israel will never ever accept a Palestinian state in any form.

Yeah, that’s possible, but @Paulska makes a good point re: it being in Bibi’s interests to drag this out rather than engineer an apparent victory.

If you think about it, there’s literally been no investigation into how Hamas breached the most heavily controlled border baring Korea
 Throw in ultra-orthodox Jews being forced into conscription now, the general dissent between Zionists and non-Zionists and everything else, he wants this stretched out as long as physically possible. He can’t have a “technical” victory. The only thing that will save his political arse internally, is genocide.