2020 Olympics Japan

So this is actually getting underway unbelievably!!

Our girls play softball against host nation Japan in a few mins to open the competition.

Matildas play NZ tonight in their first game.

It’s going to be an interesting juggle for the organisers…

Got 7 Live up on my second screen.

so insane to think that the olympics are happening at the moment.

I’ve already turned off the softball cause I couldn’t handle the commentary.

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You’d think with the extra year to prepare that bloke might’ve bothered to learn the rules.

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I am unemployed, in lockdown, and ready to go. Absolutely keen to spend 15 hours a day on this stuff.

Feel so disappointed for the Tokyo people and the athletes, it would have been a spectacular games if things had gone normally. Would have loved to duck over and soak in some of the vibes myself.


Yeah, but i had no idea that the lead off hitter would be keen to make a good start. I’m so grateful the colour commentator was there to inform me.

I think Brenton Speed should be calling the softball action. You would love that.

I would not!

I liked when the main guy highlighted the Japanese strategy was to get on base.

Now that’s what I call value adding insight!


The main commentator sounded like Bill Woods, not sure if it was him though.

So an Aussie athlete has been kicked out for testing positive to cocaine. Their sport - show jumping…
I’m disappointed in our surfers, skateboarders and BMX riders.


Can’t wait to have the Olympics on my second screen at work. All the managers are working from home now so I’m in charge, and in this warehouse we will be watching the Olympics

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Like the american sprinter banned for weed.

Like that’s performance enhancing.

Frankly if a surfer, skateboarder or snowboarder (winter olympics) doesn’t have THC in their bloodstream, they should be banned for life.

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Does anyone know if the Matildas game will be on 7Play or the main 7 channel?

It was scheduled on C7 when I looked an hour ago.

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Brisbane have won the rights to host the 2032 Olympics.