23/24 Grand Final: Sea Bogans V Australia's Shame

Imagine spending the time to put together a news release about hiring some bleacher seating so you can break a record no one gives a fuck about.

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This is still an easy battle of good vs evil



My brother is a Mariners fan. Iā€™m going to the game with him. He came to the SFS to see us win the GF shootout against Victory, so Iā€™m hoping to return the favour.

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Iā€™m completely apathetic about Sandy Parramatta winning a treble (I mean, Vuka and Simmo, fine, good for them) and completely into Victory losing the GF and Poppa adding to his GF loss record.

Iā€™m actually in Melbourne until nearly 9pm. Have an urge to stand outside AAMI livesite gates just doing this

Did anyone else see that graphic on screen showing number of championships?

Us on top with 5 of course, then the filth with four (including 2018).

The later on it had Newy with oneā€¦. also in 2018?

Someone is clearly righting the wrong there. Outstanding work.

Crowd looks good already

Apparently Australiaā€™s shame brought up 6 coaches from Melbourne this morning.

Thatā€™s a lot of bus fires the RFS are going to have to put out along the Hume later tonight.


Poppa not enough?


So Lolleys goal or any other Sydney goal didnā€™t make the top 10 for the year. GTFO

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Thompson on the grand final coverage, fold Network 10 already.

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Lolley with the Tobin medal however. Lovely


Won by a mile too

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Good luck Not Melbourne

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He had to give it to his junior made up club unfortunately. He gets a cheque for 10K though. Could do some damage with that down at Uncle Danā€™s


I love how Lolley picks a club next door to training.

ā€œJoe, you gotta award a Ute to a junior clubā€
ā€œHuh, I dunnoā€
ā€œThereā€™s a junior club next doorā€
ā€œYea, thatā€™ll do I supposeā€

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Iā€™d rather Thompson than that Irish Tristan nutter.

LOL heā€™s far better than any of the other commentators they have ā€¦

Yeah, fat finger typo, shouldā€™ve been 2008.

But Iā€™m pretty sure they also had the wrong year up for Poppa winning the ACL. This TV deal remains an absolute shitshow.

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Isnā€™t the production by the league? Paramount are just broadcasting?