A Merry Christmas to you all

May the underwear you receive from your significant other be crisp, and if you don’t have a SO, may the underwear you receive still be crisp.

Eat many prawns, drink far too much, and may the table political arguments be rowdy and heated.

We won the other night, and that is by far the best present of all - that and the sight of Marko Rudan sitting forlornly on the bench in New Zealand having lost.

But most importantly of all, Forza Sydney FC.

Merry Christmas guys and gals!


Merry Christmas to everyone. May you get to spend a great day with loved ones. May you also have Brendan Santalab lob many penalties into your grateful hands.


Merry Xmas. And stay safe fuckers!



Merry Christmas.
To the moment of the year, in honour of his increasing decrepid-ness.



So, hot cross buns at Coles tomorrow?


All I wanted was 3 points for Xmas so I’m happy and
I’ll say hot cross buns out on the 27th December!

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My wife finally cut off her abusive and controlling mother this year. My wife has PTSD from horrible Christmas bullshit in the past and has always hated this time of year.

We stayed in WA, opened our presents on the 23rd, spent Christmas Eve at the beach and ate lunch with our friends that we’ve chosen as family today.
One of our friends dressed up as Santa, walked into the house with a smoke machine to John Cena entrance music.

Our kids have had the best time. My wife called this the best Christmas she’s ever had.


What would you do if I told you they’ve been in the freezer at work for 3 days now?



The replies!

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Dumpster fire!

Have a Krazee Kwanzaa!
And the candles have to be beeswax.

images (19)

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That’s brilliant.

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Coles at Huskisson


It’s a March Easter in 2024, so they’re late!

I want to know who buys the Hot Cross Buns at this time of year?

I mean it’s not like there’s ever been a national shortage that requires hoarding them 3 months out from Easter. They aren’t toilet rolls during COVID.
I can’t imagine freezing them for 3 months then defrosting them in a microwave does anything to enhance their flavour.
It doesn’t make sense financially either as with any product like this it’s actually cheaper to buy them as close as possible to the day as the supermarkets will be discounting them down to clear the shelf space.

We do, everyone in my family loves hot cross buns so we buy them regularly and consume them.

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If they didn’t have the cross on top they could be fruit buns, served hot or cold, and not specific to Easter.

Plus, what holidays do have between?
26th of Jan, cheap flag temp tattoos.
Valentine’s Day, flowers?

Why are we giving in to these tyrannical bakers and their scheduling anyway. Just make hot cross buns available all year round.

So buy fruit buns/rolls.

The cross on top adds absolutely nothing to the flavour or texture.