FFA Cup R16 - Sydney FC vs Macarthur - 8/12/21

VDS man of the match. Two goals from Donachie and VDS. Says it all really.


Harry :heart:


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Van Der Beek with a classy finish

But SyDneY NEveR plaY KiDs

Fuck me dead! VDS has to be the next right back for the Socceroos

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If that’s Trent the ball ends up in The Cove.

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Wow go Harry, didn’t know he had it on him. Good stuff

That is a spectacular run to make in the 119th minute of play and such a cool finish. Totally deserved with the game he’s had.

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If he plays like this on the weekend Grant might not get back into the team.

If Harry plays well on Sunday, I’d be tempted to keep him at RB and move Grant to DM.

And Retre to Centrelink.

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What a goal
This has been one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen


Excellent finish. He’s been our MOTM tonight. Done very well.

Slightly better than at half time

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Second half of ET has been our best half this season.

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Clean sheet and two goals. Just what you want from a match.

Turned out to be a fun game and at least for the fans that went it looked like it stopped raining. An average looking Brisbane team in the quarter final now, would love to get this trophy.


Maybe we just needed a really long game to work it all out?

I’m driving down to Melbourne on Friday for a wedding this weekend. I’ve got room in the back of the car to take him with.

My biggest frustration with him is just how inconsistent he is.

Even without the goals Donachie and VDS played well. You’d think Grant will be out for a bit, Donachie and Warland will be competing for the starting CB role and VDS should get a bit of game time out on the right

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