It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Fuck that, we need a war to sort it all out. Surely they can just invade France, get a bit of history and tradition going. I’ve heard the French make quite good testicle warmers

Well they certainly had the incest relations thing going on smoothly for a while there…

At least their women do…or so I’ve heard.

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You know why Brittany in France is called Brittany?

Used to be part of Britain didn’t it. Now that’s a historical claim that should be acted on!

Brittany bitch!

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And the orgies, only problem was it was with underage girls.

So THAT’S what Andrew was doing!!11!

Going by history, the British just generally go by the claim of: "did it exist? "

I’ll be up for a cross-channel war.

The French have gotten soft and lazy since they gave up their colonies in Indochina, and Africa.

Perhaps we can let the Germans have another try? Third times the charm, right?

No reason to not go with a modern Israeli, “It used to be ours” claim.


Going by history, has that even stopped them?

…and proceeded to blame Labour.

People are idiots.

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He’s a 75 y/o male. I feel like itd be surprising if he didn’t have some form of cancer.

Surely the notable thing is that he’s decided to make it public?

Piers Morgan and his cohort have already crucified him for not revealing what it is… The sanctimonious c*nt is arguing that everyone should know so that it can bring more exposure for public health to the cancer he has.

We all know the c*nt just wants to know because he wants to know

I’m sure he could arrange for his phone to get hacked so he can find out.


Wrong target. Piers usually goes for the kids… Just like the royals

My money is on colon cancer

Love the attempt to take the moral high ground from the Nationals…

I would have thought all of the big bollocks politicians would have security guards with them? I guess not