Well that’s just depressing.
Fuck off we’re full.
What’s that gross household income?
Surprised by Perth to be honest.
What is wrong with these morons?
The older I get the more I see that intelligence is just not one of the more important factors in how people get rich.
What about an apology to all those soldiers who have gone and sacrificed and done this in an honourable way without committing these crimes. Aren’t you attacking them by doing this? (Obviously I realise there are other BRSs out there, but there’s plenty who arent
Wondering whether someone walking past is a fighter isn’t quite the same as executing an unarmed person in field…
John Singleton can fuck off
John should shut his fucking mouth. It is highly offensive to those that operate with integrity and within the bounds of the LOAC.
Fucken aye, it’s really not that difficult.
I could only tolerate the first paragraph or two. If I closed my eyes, I could swear it was written by Betoota.
And a lot of it was pre mediated as well. It’s not like a confused moment in the heart of battle, it was very calculated murder.
If we excuse this then all corruption and sexual assaults and pretty much any crime should be forgiven cos they were having a go.
Just saying he volunteered to be there so absolve him of all guilt. Ugh.
I appreciate and respect that people go into the military to serve as it’s a really important thing for the country, but it’s not like volunteering, it’s a hard life and it’s very dedicated but it’s a two way street and there is a whole career and generally people who join want to be there and to do those things so it’s not like they’re being force conscripted, and there are decent wages/housing etc thrown in as perks and most Australians I assume won’t see battle unlike in other countries when they join.
PLS don’t see this as a slight on military peeps, just that it’s a hard slog that’s also well rewarded for people who want to do that exact thing.
And some weird leaps of logic. In one paragraph he says that China doesn’t buy anything from us (what has that got to do with war crimes in Afghanistan anyway) and then two paragraphs later lists a whole bunch of stuff that China buys from us, iron ore, wine, etc.
As near as I can tell Australia is one of the few countries with a trade surplus with China.
You weren’t there man, you don’t know what its like to kill an unarmed man.
Is it sincere? Or is it performative to appeal to a segment of the populous?
Singo has always been a cunt. Sometimes it manifests in weirder says than others. Usually it’s just a divorce.
ATO needs to be up their arse. Sounds like tax fraud if nothing else to me. Those “cash” expenses would be rife with this shit.
$10K in massage therapy surely isn’t that unusual for a guy named Aumerbach.
The video of him smashing his colleagues golf clubs is wild too.