It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Given there was a Senate committee that made cross party recommendations to ban it, I don’t understand the hold up

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Dutton really going for it this morning. Also said that we should stop people coming in from a war zone. Does that mean Ukrainian refugees should also be stopped?

I can’t imagine what would be different about Ukrainian refugees that would make Dutton treat them any differently

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Oh, what could it possibly be?

Dutton is to humanity what Raygun is too Break Dancing.


Sounds like one of Parliament House’s more toxic days in recent years. Dutton carrying on like a pork chop, and Penny Wong accusing the Greens and the Coalition of protecting John Setka after they combined to vote down a guillotine motion. Pathetic behaviour, really.


Senator Gerard Rennick who has today quit the LNP to start his own party. Phew, what a loony. His Twitter is a magical bingo card featuring every conspiracy under the sun.

Queensland senator Gerard Rennick quits LNP for crossbench

Queensland senator Gerard Rennick has quit the LNP to form his own party ahead of the looming federal election, potentially splitting right-wing support in the state.

Rennick, who earlier this year narrowly lost preselection for the third spot on the LNP’s Queensland Senate ticket…

You cant fire me, I quit!

Anyway, we really need to lengthen these cycles by at least a year. An election shouldn’t be “looming” so quickly after the last one.


With only a three-year cycle, there’s not much point taking risky aspirational strategies for the nation. The LNP have exploited this pretty well over at least the last three decades.

It also means you get weird stuff like the occasional federal and state election in the same year, which doesn’t make much sense to me.

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How often does a Government see out the entire 3 year term? I could be wrong but it feels like there’s been a lot of early elections in the recent past.
Even now there’s talk of an early election although that may be a little more unlikely after the NT election over the weekend.

I’d be a fan of mandatory 4 year terms unless there is a double disillusion.

It’s not often a typo is more accurate than the intended word. Bravo!


Not to mention the era of tinpot democracy we had when PMs were getting knifed constantly before the end of an election cycle.

Why stop there? Let’s take it back to birth.

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This just goes to show how incredibly gullible Australians generally are. When does such a pause end? I’m not sure a Dutton-led government would ever lift it.

Australian politics is become more American with each day.

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We should definitely be having a national conversation about brown people possibly coming here through a warzone border that is currently permanently shut anyways. :crazy_face:
