Man bites dog. The weird but true news thread

Please tell me the t is silent.



Heh. A potentially disappointing wedding night ahead for young Christine. Not that size is necessarily yadda yadda.

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someone was selling a “Camp Auschwitz” shirt on etsy…

People were wearing them at the Capitol the other day

And that’s the only reason etsy is sorry.

They got noticed.

NSFW news article

What a time to be alive.

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I hope Santo, Sam & Ed are all over this one.

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10/10 would listen to Blood on the Beak if it was a real thing :rofl:

The bird had a knife attached to its leg ready to take on an opponent when it inflicted serious injuries to the man’s groin as it tried to escape.

His cock lost this cock fight.

Justice served.


It’s clearly a flying ship and proof that 5G causes covid

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5 months investigation into vote tampering… for home-coming queen… such a strong use of Police resources…

I still find that whole prom king & prom queen culture of a 1000 teen movies to be bizarre & bizarre that it actually exists.

Imagine that at your own high school & laugh.

Pretty certain it was the accessing of highly sensitive health, education and finance information about minors, these are serious crimes everywhere. The fact that it was done for such a vaccuous and idiotic reason doesn’t lessen the crime.

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Understood, except they’ve been arrested for “Conspiracy to use Carroll’s school district login to help Grover get elected homecoming queen”

you know this had to happen

If only this homecoming electoral fraud had occurred in California.


Stunningly calling suggesting a plus size model should put a costume on and be called Olympig hasn’t gone down well

The way it’s going for them I think they watched The Games and thought it was a documentary.


Looking forward to the 94m record being set…