Man bites dog: weird and funny news

I don’t mind a good laugh but after seeing that the Raygun play was cancelled recently due to potential legal action, the act was a particularly stupid thing to attempt.

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Pretty poor all round, noone comes out of it looking good.
But as always, the biggest cunts are the mob who have added no value but are looking for 10 grand - the lawyers.


Im assuming they thought that having profits go to charity made up for it. It’s still a ridiculously silly thing to do and obviously hasn’t taken into account her state of mind. While I think she 100% should never have been allowed to perform what she did, she should still be allowed a modicum of respect and not have to sit in the public limelight for the next decade for the sake of cheap laughs. It’s happened, it’s done and dusted so just let it go.

In the new video, Gunn said that she had trademarked her name and “famous kangaroo silhouette pose” to block others from using her name and likeness for commercial purposes.

Raygun: The Musical was set to debut in Sydney this evening at a venue on Oxford Street, in the city’s inner east.

“The reason we did that is because we were notified that there were applications from other parties trying to trademark my name and image for commercial purposes,” she said.

The academic and breakdancer said while she trademarked the name and pose, she had not laid claim to the kangaroo dance.

“In terms of the kangaroo dance, I did not trademark it or any kangaroo dance and it in no way mimics Aboriginal dance,” she said.

"It was instead inspired by the Australian Olympic Mascot, BK, the boxing kangaroo and I wanted to represent and celebrate that spirit.

"Now I know that this misinformation about the kangaroo dance has upset many members of the Indigenous community and I’m sorry for that and I’m really sorry that this hasn’t been corrected sooner.

“I have the utmost respect for Indigenous Australians.”

Gunn told viewers that the decision was not about “being able to take a joke”.

“I really do strive to support creativity and have loved the ways my performance has sparked so many different artistic interpretations and there was so many fantastic memes that were clever, and funny and creative,” she said.

“I have a whole folder of them on my phone so not being able to take a joke is not what the issue here.”

Gunn ended her video talking about her difficulties adjusting to her new found fame following her appearance at the Paris Olympics in August.

“Please remember that just because you hear or read something about someone on social media that doesn’t mean it’s the full story or even that it’s true,” she said.

"Remember also that there is a person behind all this with a family, with friends and who until a few months ago nobody had even heard of.

“So I’m really trying to do my best to navigate this new chapter of my life.”

Another useless human.

Surely you can do a play as a comedy / satire act, how does SNL etc get away with dressing up like Trump and taking the piss without getting sued?

Given it’s not actually for profit either, and it’s raising money for a charity they can’t really claim they are trying to make money off her name.

Either way, massive fucking cunt.


Pretentious wanker who thinks that they are more important than they are.

The smart thing to do would be to lean into the stupidity, make a bunch of money, sell some merch, do the talk show circuit and then after the 15 minutes go back to whatever you want.

That’s the point, people trademarking raygun would have meant she’s not earning anything anyway

Breaking The Musical, starring Stephanie Broadbridge, will open in Adelaide in March before touring to Melbourne and Sydney later in the year.

Described as “a completely legal parody musical” and claiming to be ranked “the number one musical by The World Musical Sports Federation” (founder and sole member, S. Broadbridge), the show will feature the original material without mentioning Gunn.

“My understanding is if I exclude any of the trademarking elements then I shouldn’t be in any kind of trouble. But who knows? Maybe I’ve done something else wrong that will annoy someone new.”

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Should definitely replace the trademarked “dance move” that was never ever ever ever done before the Olympics by anyone else with some kind of echidna movement.

the dance move isn’t trademarked?

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In the new video, Gunn said that she had trademarked her name and “famous kangaroo silhouette pose” to block others from using her name and likeness for commercial purposes.

Talk about the Streisand Effect happening. She should allow the fucking stupid musical to go ahead & get a piece of it, little bit of negotiation. Easy.

Lleyton patented that come on hand thing back in the day so don’t blame her from doing that to be fair.

Either way, she is a useless pustule of the face of pop culture.

Parody is protected under Australian law, Gunn is a pernicious lying cunt, she’s endorsed commercial contests with prize money based on people recreating her shitty shitty ‘dance’, so apparently her objections are purely financial. She trademarked that silhouette of her stupid kangaroo shit literally the day the poster for the musical was published online.

Her issue is that she wants paid and she can’t hack being the butt of the joke, the parts of her video that weren’t outright lies consisted of ‘I’m sorry you think I did something cunty’ self-serving shite.

Rights and wrongs aside, we must remember that anything which causes less musicals to exist in this or any universe is a positive thing.


Beat me to it lol

There was an escapee from Bathurst Correctional Centre yesterday - was rearrested the same afternoon, but thought this thread would appreciate this story.

Missy sounds like a solid defender. Sign her up!