Memberships 2022/03

Just grabbed 2 x Clubhouse tickets for the derby using membership credit plus $5. Bargain.

There are 900ish seats in the section, plus a bunch of tables and other seating areas, and a ledge at the back of the seating at waste height for drinks/food etc.
No set seating among that (ie all GA), so you can move around.
As of the stadium open day they’d sold about a third of it.

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Are you telling me there is nothing in the whole of Del Boca Vista???


That’s right. They went like hotcakes.


Interesting comparing the membership offerings of the other tenants.

Roosters are using Tunnel Club for Corporate Sponsors only, Waratahs have Club 1874 ($3500 for 7 games).

Neither seem to be selling memberships to the Clubhouse space.

Roosters sideline at $500 for 11 home and 1 CC game to $250 behind goals with Junior, Concession and Family discounts up to 20%, with choice of cap or scarf. Also some 1-game packages.

Waratahs sideline at $414 for 7 home games to $162 behind goals with Junior, Concession and Family discounts up to 40%, and $50 merchandise credit. Also have some 4 game packages

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Named after the average age of their members I take it?


Has anyone got their membership pack yet? Still waiting on mine and I haven’t seen anything about an electronic version of my membership either.

I doubt many people will be buying tickets in advance considering the weather. Most would surely wait until Saturday.

I received a PDF of the season ticket back on 15/09, so best to call the club if you haven’t received yours.

Only completed the member pack / merch options over the long weekend, so really only expecting the actual card before round 3 vs Adelaide.

Found an email which slipped past my attention from a couple months back to see if I wanted to upgrade my membership to a silver for $15.

Will give them a call on my lunch break,

I received an email 5 days ago titled “Your membership order has arrived to Australia!”, with an AusPost tracking number.

(Note that I only opted for membership cards this year, none of the other crap. I ‘spent’ my credits on a bunch of Clubhouse tickets, which are delivered via email anyway)

The tracking status hasn’t budged from “waiting to be picked up from the sender or ready for sorting at our facility” since the email was received.

So I guess I’ll be using the PDF version of my card for entry on Saturday, unless it magically gets delivered today or tomorrow.


I placed my order on the 23rd September and haven’t even gotten to the stage you’re at mate. So it might be a few rounds with a print-out for me

SO theyre saying we have to print (by this I mean our emailed pdf ticekt) out, it won’t work off phone. Is this really true, or just the usual shit we get told every time which is really because people doing a last minute look through the phone for multiple separate files is too slow?

I asked the club same question, that’s an error, it’s fine to use the phone


This is from an FAQ in one of the gameday emails: Big Blue - Membership FAQ's - Sydney FC

So definitely conflicting with what it says on the electronic pass (printed only), seems like it’ll work fine on phone.

Q. I won’t receive my Membership card in time .

For those who haven’t received their Membership Card in time, they can still attend this Saturday’s Big Blue. If any card issues arise, Members are encouraged to visit the Sydney FC Member window which is located in the Gate 3 Box Office, where the Membership Team will be able to assist.

Q. I don’t have a printer, will my electronic card scan?

The electronic Membership Card will scan on a mobile device. When scanning through the gates, ensure that the brightness is high and the Membership Card is the PDF form. Screenshotting the card will lower the quality and increase the chance of it failing to scan on arrival. Ensure that you have access to the front of the card to show stadium staff your allocated seating area.

I called up memberships yesterday to get my electronic card and Shane told me I could scan it on my phone.

Is Shane the Irish bloke?

Just called up and got me and my mates Bronze memberships upgraded to silver for an extra $15. Bay 30. Pretty much where we always sat anyway in the old stadium.

Cheering. Hopefully the roof covers us.

Was meant to receive my pack today although it should be at my doorstep on Monday. I was sent a PDF pass a little while back too.

He’s the guy who says “This is Shane speaking.” Dead give away.