Memberships 2022/03

Sorry, when I asked “is the code unique” I actually meant to say “is the link in the member email to redeem unique”?

I’ve tried logging into the member portal to see if I could see any Paramount redemption option, but nothing was obvious, so I’m guessing it’s a specific/hidden URL.

Anyway, I’ve emailed the membership team to check if i had inadvertently unsubscribed from emails at some point.

Fucking lol. I was stoked about the 2 girls, deleted it and had no idea about the Paramount stuff.

Still not ponying up til they fix it, but genuinely would’ve had no idea without seeing this post.


There’s a separate “Sports” section on the Android TV app now. That’s something.

Hopefully live pause/rewind is there, I’d be at least satisfied after that.

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I got my Paramount subscription details email today.

PSA: I have an existing account but the instructions for existing account holders didn’t work (I didn’t have a “Subscription & Billing” section. I was able to follow the process for new account holders (logged in with my existing account) and that worked fine.

Tip: Choose the monthly billing option. This kicks in at the end of the 12 month promo subscription. That way if you haven’t got your promo code in time next season and forget to cancel, the worst case is you pay for a single month, rather that a whole year.

Note that you need to enter credit card details but they would only be used at auto renewal after the 12 months.

I don’t think there’s an option to cancel while you have an active annual subscription. I don’t have one on my auto-renew. I guess I’ll have to cancel, and then next August either re-subscribe as monthly (in anticipation of the new season, if I have anything I want to watch that month) or wait for the club’s 2023-24 offer.

Yeah, I had to cancel in August so that it didn’t auto renew for another year. I imagine there would be some people who inadvertently let it auto renew at the full price and therefore can’t benefit from the membership discount.

I was one of these people. I emailed Paramount+ this morning, explained the situation and they cancelled & refunded my current subscription so that I can order a new one with the members’ discount. Made me forgive them a little for auto-renewing the subscription without warning (although they did call it a “one-time courtesy refund” for being a “loyal customer”)… but not about the whole pause/rewind thing.

Their online contact form is here if anyone else wants to do this.


Thanks for the heads up. Did exactery the same thing. Waiting for the code from the club now. Discount and two months of ‘free’ Paramount+ … Win-win :smiley: :smiley:

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As a millennial, getting $12 or whatever back just doesn’t seem worth the ordeal of talking to someone on the phone.


$14, mate… better in my pocket. :wink:
All done online, no phone calls required.

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That’s a whole beer at the season opener!

Not to be sneezed at


I’m puzzled !!! maybe a bit slow given myage , :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I had the Paramount subscription last season , did I have to resubscribe ? i just got on to the link and paid $75 but now I’m thinking I’ve doubled up ? right or ?
I am wondering where I get the code from to complete the process.
Maybe I should call Shane :thinking:

You didn’t have to re-subscribe but they would have rolled over your account when the anniversary date come up so you might have paid already for this season and paid the full amount. To get the deal for this season there was an email sent last week to purchase it and if you did you got a new code to use.

Check your Paramount account and the see if you’ve been billed yet before hassling one of the Shanes.

No worries Rovers , I just paid the $75 today so I’ll wait for a bit , I wasn’t going to hassle the Shanes , they are busy enough with me .
My Membership rolled over Ok I’ll check to see if that included a Paramount rollover too. I can’t access paramount of the work laptop , it’s a “prohibited site” FFS :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thanks, that was super easy. Saved me having to do research!!

Got the link today , all good

Anyone got Club House membership? Thinking of changing seats (I missed both selection windows so was slotted a random allocation…my own fault entirely ) .

My silver status no longer gets me to Cove Heights areas but Bay 18.

Club House looks ok , but it’s “premium GA”? Does that mean like premium economy but no specific seat selection?

If it’s not I’ll be livid. They were promising it ‘soon’ after round 1 last year.

It’s GA, but the upper tier. Your own bar that is open well before kick off and half an hour after (instead of closing at 75 mins). Might have marginally better food options than the lower tier (if the SCG is anything to go by).

Thanks for that. :+1: