"Not knowing how to cook, is like not knowing how to f**k". - The Cooking Thread

Got some when in town for the porko festival.

God they’re good.

Had a really good, still warm custard tart in Seoul of al places a couple of years ago.

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KFC sell Portuguese tarts in China.

Cheers for the recommendation! Will have to swing by when I’m back in Sydney next weekend.

Nah, way too sweet. It’s Sweet Belem or nothing.

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Havent been before. Heading down to Sydney this weekend, so will have to test them out!

I have a rule, if I’m driving along New Canterbury Rd I will only stop to get a custard tart if there’s a parking spot open on the block that Sweet Belem is. Thank God I drive a small car :wink:

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Tough to find a park is it?

It’s on the same block as PCC/Frangos, so it can be a pain in the arse to park there. There’s heaps of back streets to park, but for me that’s cheating.

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I dont mind cheating for pastries!

If you’re in that area, you might as well go over to Athena Cake Shop as well.

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This is outstanding. FWIW Guinea-Bissau was dish #8 out of the 160 we got through, the missus did jollof rice.

More importantly, I mentioned this to her and it’s provided the motivation needed to get back into it. Slovakia was picked out long long ago but never completed, it will now be done in honour of that most clinical mofo Bobby Mak. :+1:

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Kuracie prsia s broskyňou: chicken breast slices with ham and peach baked with cheese on the top

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I always park in front of the Masonic law offices up the road & always get a spot. CBF’d scouring for parking in that strip, it’s chaos.

p.s Our whole family prefers Silva’s. My kids think everyone at Frango’s has an attitude problem which is rich come from them so we go to Silva’s. :joy:

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My experience goes back to 1995. It was ever thus.

Silvas is great.

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I’ve never had bad attitude at Frangos, but you know there’s a reason why :wink:


You’re culturally atuned to put up with their shitty service?

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I’ve always found them fine, but I don’t eat downstairs with the plebs… :wink:

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If you need to dine in, upstairs, to get treated with something resembling courtesy than that place, sir, is fucked.

It can’t be as bad as Macca’s at Quakers Hill. A classmate who went in for a meal had to step in to stop the boss abusing a teenage girl working there.

Maccas has really gone down hill the past couple of years. I went into the one at Thornleigh a few months ago. Rubbish was piled up high on top and around every bin in the place as they hadn’t been emptied in god knows how long. The floors were disgraceful with food scraps everywhere. I felt dirty just walking in there