"Not knowing how to cook, is like not knowing how to f**k". - The Cooking Thread

One of the girls I work with used to work at the Maccas down the road from me.

Sadly, abuse is all too frequent.

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Oh yeah not saying it doesn’t happen still. People are idiots. More illustrating that moving forward the business model is to get the customers the fuck out of the respective fast food restaurants.

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Of course it is. Customers not staying and eating means that suddenly everything becomes ridiculously cheaper to operate.

So this week on Naths global cooking adventures is one of my favourites. Not a random country but because its cold, windy, rainy and winter we’re visiting the Republic of Ireland :ireland:, with Beef % Guinness Stew. Why? Because of the aforementioned conditions, it’s hella yummy, and it’s a good excuse to drink Guinness/Stout.

Great minds think alike. Mine has been in the oven most of the day. Should be done soon.

Also, I have finished half of the leftover cans so I am sure it will taste great once it’s done.

I rang the missus from the shops if we had any Guinness cans from the last batch. “I dunno” she replied.

BWS were lacking in Guinness (except for the 0%) stuff. So instead I bough 3 longnecks of Coopers Best Extra Stout - which I’ve used before.

Get home, open the beer cupboard and there’s 3 cans sitting there.

So I’ve got 3 Coopers BES to enjoy :grin:


Lovely weather for a Guinness

Got a six pack from First Choice and shockingly its apparently brewed in Ireland.

Bloody hell. Treasure every mouthful of that.

99% of the stock over here is brewed under license from a syrup.

Baileys was on special as well so i thought why not.

No such thing as lovely weather for Guinness.

Given its not exactly hard to find a good stout, I don’t know why people drink that shite.

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I never liked Guinness or stout before I went to the UK. The stuff over there is so much nicer than here, but that applies for any beer brewed under license.

Coopers Best Extra Stout is nicer than Guinness for mine, but you can’t beat a noce creamy pint of the stuff.

Beef and Guinness Stew :stew:

Republic of Ireland :ireland:

Great success :+1:


My effort. Not the best photo.


Both of those dishes look :100:

Admittedly it wasn’t my finest attempt, normally I make the gravy thicker by boiling it down more, and my mash was underdone. In my defence trying to wrangle two screaming toddlers who had decided today was not the day for a nap and needing to get food on 5he table meant I cut a few corners. However the flavour was on point, and I have about 4 meals left over for the freezer.

Anyone recommend any good one off cooking classes for bbq? Wife wanting to get me something for fathers day and was thinking that would be a good one. I’m decent enough on the bbq, just want to expand my skills

So with recent events, meeting my Cuban father and confirming I’m half Cuban/Latino, what better way to make my third stop on my global culinary adventure, Cuba.

Going to make a few Cuban dishes, with recipes from my Step mother? That feels weird saying that.

When they go back to Florida next week she’s going to send me some recipies of some traditional Cuban food :cuba:.


It’s pretty cliched, but I’ve made the moho pork, cubano and beignet combination from The Chef movie. The pork is incredible, but does need a day or two for the brine and marinade stages before you can cook it.

I dunno.

Carnitas look way simpler!