Please know it's not a race - covid deniers need not apply

Darwin about to go into a 72hr lockdown

69 fucking people at this. 69 fucking peopleā€¦

Someone asked, but they couldnā€™t give a proper answer. Chant mentioned it was overwhelmingly people going about their normal business, but without specifics around work, retail etc.

Itā€™s a super important distinction if you are going to spend an hour every day accusing people and using it as justification for putting troops on the street

Every single person in attendance should cop a 5k fine and a few months in the slammer. By the speeches they obviously knew they were doing the wrong thing

By the speeches? They knew before they left their own houses they were doing the wrong thing. So areas have been a bit ambiguous but I donā€™t think anyone could seriously claim they didnā€™t realise large gatherings of people was ok.

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Smashing out a whole of heap of fines to the engagement party morons would be hilarious. Cunts.

Surely wouldnā€™t be too hard as you have footage from the party everywhere.

In the last few weeks it has been said by Chant that transmission at grocery stores etc was very minor and mostly between staff members, now that might have changed but ā€˜normal businessā€™ could mean just turning up to work, but for some reason, I canā€™t help but think it is not being spoken about as it might paint a terrible picture for the way it is going, whether that be it highlights that the restrictions are not working, or they might not want to cause a run on toilet paper etc again.

Yeah, I mean the lack of clarity is the problem and I think you are right. Itā€™s not going the way they want and they are trying to deflect or worse that they have the data, and acknowledging that itā€™s spreading in essential type settings leaves little room to move.

Constant blame of individuals (and you canā€™t deny there isnā€™t a dickhead cohort) rather than acknowledging the systemic issues that may be hindering getting on top of things doesnā€™t help though. If the data supports that it is rule breakers fueling the spread, then thatā€™s fine and compliance is the step to take. Theyā€™ve already admitted though that the change in rules outside came not from health advice but from police request. The initial surge of police into SWS has made little difference to a health problem.

Above From the last census. Below the average in Professionals (who can likely WFH easier), above the average in trades, laborers, machine workers and drivers. Add in language, insecure work, socio- economic etc. They have sought to pin the blame on individual responsibility from the start when itā€™s much more complicated than that.


It is a very complicated situation, with so many variables at play. I think they (the Govt.) have not been able to break through into communities that already have a low trust threshold of Govt and in many situations, may be having to choose going to work sick or not feeding their families.

The fact that there is sense of class warfare, that the initial cases were in the East and the soldiers landed in the west all fuels resentmentā€¦ the stick of not working will probably override the carrot of civic duty, but it is going to take quite a long time for that to kick in fully

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Dr Chant mentioned (a week or two ago) that thereā€™s more we could be doing with essential work to help prevent spread. And since then, nothing.
Still, a few hundred more uniforms on the streets should sort things out. Any day now.

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From the other thread:
Just on that, is a great site for getting all this data.
On current rates, weā€™ll have 70%/80% single doses done in NSW on 8th/20th September.


Itā€™s very interesting how Covid quickly exposes the fault lines in a society (in my opinion at least) Here in Singapore, the outbreakā€™s have been because of overcrowded migrant workers dorms, continued need to import cheap labour from the subcontinent and unregulated KTV/brothels.

In Oz, insecure and casual work , people working multiple jobs just to get by, in Sydney especially the inability to afford to live near where you work pushing essential workers to the outskirts and making it a nightmare to stop mobility. I think Itā€™s also highlighted the tenuous framework of federation, something that looks increasingly like falling apart as States start to get closer to 70% vaccination rates.


The Pfizer increase will see the numbers shoot up quite quickly. If they get Moderna across the line soon, there will probably be another uptick. I donā€™t think anyone is, but we canā€™t underestimate just how much the negative news around AZ has hampered things, rightly or wrongly.


I had AZ on Friday. Iā€™ll let everyone know over the next couple of weeks if it kills me or notā€¦


The ā€œsenseā€ of class warfare is from people playing the victims. The facts are that the Eastern Suburbs managed to get their cases under control fairly quickly. Fairfield and Auburn had exploding cases, yet when they had significantly higher numbers than the Eastern Suburbs, they still had significantly less testing numbers.

You may as well sit there and complain that thereā€™s opened LGAs and closed LGAs and claim itā€™s all about screwing over Western Sydneyā€¦


Fuck the wanderers.


If only it was a simple as right or wrong, good and bad. The lack of understanding or unwillingness to confront the demographic disparity in Sydney is exactly why we are here.

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People playing the victims?

People who have to keep going to work and get covid?
Playing the victims?

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People who keep on breaking the rules and then complaining about it i.e. the 3000 protesters that decided to break every rule we had, or have people forgotten about that. Iā€™d like to see how many cases we have that have spread from thatā€¦