Please know it's not a race - covid deniers need not apply

Unconfirmed, but my brother sent me a graphic stating that NSW’s vaccination numbers are 1.2% of the entire population per day. If we maintain current numbers, we’ll be at 1.5% which makes us faster than any country in the world.

Given that for nearly two months the focus has been on getting people vaccinated to get out of lockdown, it doesn’t seem to have worked in the places that need it most.

I know that these stats don’t include Covid vaccinations… but there is some comfort that 95% of Australians vaccinate their children, so vax hesitancy in general isn’t that high. I am careful not to conflate normal vaccine hesitancy with Covid vaccines, but ‘hope’ anywhere is good at the moment

Child vaccination rates in the northern rivers are Australia’s lowest. In the Byron shire, 68.2% of one-year-olds are fully immunised, compared with 94.9% across the country.

Source When Covid came to the anti-vax capital of Australia | New South Wales | The Guardian

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Too early to tell that.

Those lesser vaccinated areas are still 40-50% first dose. With a big uptake in the last few weeks, leading into the next couple of months, I’d say its probably well underway.

Math is not my strength - but if yesterday NSW did 119652 then it would be 1.4% of the population on NSW in one day (entire population that is.

Last week it would have been around 1.2% all week.

I think that’s based on 7 day average. It was an image from a Doctor on Insta that my brother sent. Looking like it was recent enough. It still at least a bit of a positive to come out from this

It’s also probably exactly what you’d expect if age is the main explanatory factor. The rollout has been going for six months but U40s have only had access (and only of the vaccine that the media has slandered for six months, and only after you’ve specifically sat down with a GP who has to explain that it might kill you before getting approval) for maybe a month.

I do think that looking at the delta from a week or few ago would paint a better picture

Looks like they’ve got a case of Delta across the Tasman…

"Political editors have just had a briefing on the situation from the Prime Minister’s Office. Health officials were alerted to the case just after 1pm. At 2pm there was a call with Auckland Regional Public Health’s incident management team. At 3pm there will be an all-of-government response team meeting - that will take in police as well as health.

At 4.30pm there will be an officials briefing to senior ministers. There will then be a Cabinet meeting to decide on the next steps. There will likely be a press conference at around 6pm to discuss the results of that meeting - although that time could change."


Old mate Darwin is an American who is refusing to share his vaccination status.

Cancel his visa if he doesn’t want to comply.

So he’s no vaccinated then.


Someone check in on The Datsuns!

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Its no wonder Paco Didn’t Love Her.


or Skulker.

Probably should change their name to the Nazzys now


McNamara’s bandmate, Kat Spazzy took to Instagram to condemn the hateful views of Mcnamara, posting a comment…explaining that the extremist views made it impossible for the band to function, stating “Ally’s views had become increasingly odd, irrational and conspiratorial over recent years, indeed, that is the reason The Spazzys have not been able to play together in some time.
“Lucy Spazzy and I condemn such views in the strongest possible terms. They are abominable and offensive to us. They do not reflect that attitude and character of the band either before or after Ally was a member.”


Ardern’s gone straight to L4 for the whole of NZ for 3 days, 7 for Auckland & The Corromandel.

You know, I heard a report on the BBC, probably 12 months or so ago, on Australia and NZ’s false sense of security being isolated and island nations. It was a science historian talking about how the Spanish Flu had all but burnt out around the world at the end of a third wave, but it was the tail of that third wave that hit Australia and NZ hardest as nobody had an immunity and where the bulk of our deaths came from. They warned the same thing would happen with Covid, that Australia and NZ would bunker down, get through the first few waves but then eventually, it would get in and hit us hard because of no to low immunity. This report was pre-vaccine, but I do think about what I heard a lot, and just how much history is repeating itself


Going to be a bumper few weeks with vaccination numbers… (feels like we are now praying to the God of Vax instead of the God of Pax… what a world…)

New South Wales will launch a vaccination blitz that aims to deliver jabs to more than 500,000 16- to 39-year-olds in Sydney’s south-west, where the majority of new Covid cases are being reported.

Defence force personnel will assist vaccination hubs during the effort to deliver 530,000 doses in the 12 local government areas of concern in the next two and a half weeks.

The Pfizer doses, sourced from Poland, will be available to anyone between the ages of 16 and 39 in those hotspots – not just authorised workers – as the state continues to battle rising case numbers in western and south-western Sydney.

Authorised workers were already being offered 100,000 Pfizer vaccines this week, with 76,000 bookings already made.

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Great to see the numbers ramping up, I think we hit a new record yesterday of approx 270k. If we can stay at this rate or even increase it for a month or so we will be in a much better place.

Having said that I’ve had both my jabs. As someone who REALLY hates needles, I can’t imagine some army dude giving 1 to me. Give me a nice friendly Filipino nurse any day or the week lol