The biggest thing that would help is the Federal Government taking steps to protect workplaces who choose to mandate vaccinations (from the crazies kicking up a fuss) rather than protecting workplaces who choose not to mandate vaccinations (from liability w.r.t. creating an unsafe working environment), but unfortunately they’re going in the wrong direction there.
Along with their other issues, these people’s adherence to the concept of “never” seems fickle at best.
Defence medics are enrolled nurses, gone are the days of your old school combat medic.
Good news that it appears to be changing quickly
Nonsense. Pax is a lie. The only true source is the 11am announcement.
Not sure if it’s the media just trying to stir the pot, but they’re reporting another protest could be held this weekend.
The Texas governor has now tested positive. The prick go vaccinated last year and he’s also being treated with monoclonal antibodies… All while the rest of his state gets fucked over…
Handy site for determining how far 5km is from your home.
736 penalty notices including over 400 for people that have left their homes for no good reason… Some guy arrived from QLD 10 days ago, decided to go driving around rural NSW because he was tired of restrictions. Another guy was checked up on by police (sounds like he was positive), waited till they left and then went for a walk…
Hey Vic, enjoy that record while you got it, cos we comin’ for it!
Vic ain’t out of this one either, still very much touch and go down there. It’s even broken quarantine in NZ.
Loving the guy at the engagement party asking for forgiveness after openly laughing at breaking the law, the prick.
And that (should be) Dr Chant done. Refuses to answer questions about whether she’s pushed for tighter restrictions or not.
Stop playing politics.
And it’s come out that there’s no one actually policing the requirements for construction workers to be vaccinated to be back at work. It’s up to the companies to do so.
That will work with no issues…
I honestly all you have to say is; “Everything/Anything is up for discussion.” and go from there.
What lockdown?
2 doors down from me plenty of essential construction workers excavating a swimming pool.
Across the road more essential construction workers building a carport.
No masks.
At the shopping centre essentials like JB, Apple and homewares shops all trading. Every essential coffee shop open. Heaps of people in Westfield. All wearing masks, but with what degree of protection?
Luckily our area is still out of the danger zone, but once the virus reaches here it will go through the suburb like a bushfire with people all behaving according to the “lockdown rules”.
Well they were predicting we’d be in the 500s.
The Gold Standard skipped that and went straight to the 600s.
Toughest lockdown in the world.
Close all retailers selling essential appliances. Close all takeaway shops. Ban all these unsafe delivery drivers.
Just let anyone whose fridge breaks down fuck off and die of starvation yeah?
At the risk of free advertising for the company I work for…