Please know it's not a race - covid deniers need not apply

Reading the first line, I thought this was a bit from a Simpsons episode, and thus confused that there didn’t appear to be a gag involved.

57 cases in Melbourne

Haha apologies. I saw it because it was all over #statstwitter. Lecturers are excited they can finally update their real-life example from Berkeley admissions in 1973.

High 600’s.

No way the season is starting with fans or maybe even at all.

No chance.

Also notice that Gladys is using the shit sandwich delivery method, give people the good news (the jab numbers) before hitting us with the case numbers and deaths.

681,with Gladys giggling like a school girl throughout.

Also, they’ve gagged chant so she can’t throw them under the bus.

Gladys needs to go asap

They have almost completely given up on contact tracing in Sydney it seems from the outside looking in. By not reporting venues that positive cases have visited there is no chance for people to get tested if they are asymptomatic.

Potential cases who have no idea they may be infecting others in there household, workplace or down the shops.

Just admit the contract tracers are swamped and ask for more help. QLD, SA, NT and WA contact tracers aren’t exactly overworked at the moment.

I realised the other day, as I got into my “two bus loads of people crowded because they cancel shit for fun” bus that no one is checking in on those things. If you don’t report the transport routes affected no one will ever know. At least do that.

That insinuates there’s someone better-equipped in the NSW LNP to take over.

I feel sorry for the CMOs, doing their best despite clearly being used as a political football for whoever is in charge.

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The sheer quantity of locations though probably meant that most people couldn’t be arsed looking through page after page of places… It certainly has that effect on me. Plus the data was getting old… Such and such visited blah for 15 minutes on the 28th July and so on. Diminishing returns basically

Once again, it feels like everyone has just ‘given up’ and now just focusing of vaccinations.

They arrested and charged a bloke from Bondi on his 4th warning for breaking health advise… it took then getting him a 4th time to arrest him.

Just put this Shane guy who use to be at the RFS in charge… he carries much more authority in his one appearance than the rest of them have in 2 months. (edit - Fitzsimmons)

More of Shane Fitzsimmons, less of Gladys

Maybe I’ve tuned out, but that’s the first person I’ve heard acknowledge that the bulk of “essential” workers are coming from the high risk LGA’s.

They’ve been mixing it for the last two weeks, she hasn’t appeared every day.

The CMO’s have made that point a couple of times previously, but it always lost among over things going on.

People have tuned out of Gladys, Hazzard and Chant. I reckon they could do worse than tapping out and getting Fitzsimmons to take this over


Yep, agreed. Great communicator

Gladys is like me in a job interview. Lots of words until you get to the end and forget what the question was.

Yeah, it’s all getting a bit Trump-esque, using these pressers as an opportunity to grandstand for an hour a day.

It’s amazing that they can stand there, smile and say what a good job they’ve done while the world falls apart around them.

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It’s clear they’ve given up on suppression some time ago, this is the harshest lockdown we will see because any tougher and they’ll have to open the welfare wallet again.

So the focus is entirely on vaccination and follows on from Rovers’ point about those numbers always being delivered first now. But then you’ll still always get these chestnuts thrown in:

“We’re still trying to get those numbers down as low as possible”.

“We believe we have the right settings” … segue into reference of someone not obeying rules, even though the medical experts will state in the same presser that the vast majority of cases are not coming from those instances, and indeed are occurring in households or workplaces where people have followed the restrictions.

“Delta is different / rewrites rule book / what worked last year doesn’t work anymore” while again maintaining the same restrictions that have failed for two months now.

“I think everyone at home understands what I’m saying” as she continues contradicting herself.

At least have the stones to admit all eggs are already in the vaccination basket.


He also has trust on his side from his work during the January bushfires. That is a commodity the rest of them just dont have and goes a long way in what is a public health emergency. It’s not going to happen though that is for sure.

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QR codes exist, with mandatory check-in, at every retail venue. Not sure how actively staff are monitoring across the board, but every time I go to the supermarket it does seem that everybody is stopping to check in. They would still be contacting all relevant visitors when there is a positive case.

I’m unconvinced of the benefits of reducing the venue reporting (AFAIK they’ll still report high-risk cases like staff or known transmission), but I’m also not sure that it has that much of a negative impact since the kind of people who aren’t checking in are unlikely to be going out of their way to check NSWH venue lists and come forward.