Please know it's not a race - covid deniers need not apply

The best we can hope for is that the increase in the rate of infection can be kept low enough that our hospitals can cope until enough of the TOTAL population is effectively vaccinated with 2 doses. I have not heard much about rolling out shots for the under 16s yet, nor the third booster which initial Pfizer research is reportedly showing very effective against both beta and delta strains.

Provide enough effective vaccines, then shout loudly about the unvaccinated who are seriously ill and dying (not just numbers) and fear will do the rest.

But the next few months are going to be nasty.

Fridges can be delivered, essential repairs are essential.
Shops open in big plazas are not.
It is the very loose definition of what is essential that will aid the spread without people breaking the rules.

But then a delivery guy who has been going all over Sydney spreading and contracting who-knows-what is entering a household and ensuring that they’re all infected. That’s completely contrary it the interwebs requirements of MAH HARDER LOCKDOWNS!!!

Every day the NSW press conference just looks like Flanders parents.


You’ll find all companies have COVID safe practices when delivering. All our drivers and warehouse staff are getting tested every few days. Masks are mandatory (duh).

FWIW, most of the Sydney metro area, we’re doing contactless deliveries at the moment. We’ll normally deliver, and connect etc inside the house, at the moment we’re just delivering to your door.

It’s not great, but it’s better than nothing at all.

Retail in melb 2020 was supermarkets, pharmacy and petrol. Hospo 100% takeaway with enforcement (hey leichardt) and retail was click and collect only. Not that hard.

Canberra has locked down harder for 1 case than Sydney.

Photos from inside Canberra shopping centres showing only supermarkets open.

And with those measures, according to Monash:

Which is where we’ve been for most of this lockdown anyway. Exponential growth but slower.

What I am finding very odd, and somewhat concerning, is that my LGA has 70+ active cases and not a single venue in the LGA flagged as a close contact venue
 zero, zip, nada. Maybe we are luck and all 70+ people currently with covid in my LGA have all been at home the whole time
 but it is far more likely that NSW Govt. is just overwhelmed with cases now

Got some bad news for you;

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They’ve stopped reporting every possible exposure venue:

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Danke - I did know that, just didn’t think that it would mean basically only now reporting places that have confirmed transmission, not places visited.

Seems like the biggest indicator that the white flag has been raised. (Edit: probably overstating this, I do realize that the tracers are probably swamped and if there is minimum transmission in supermarkets then the resources used to publish this probably better utilized elsewhere)

It would take an extra 10 seconds per location to put in a new record. Split the lists into priority/casual if they’re worried about information overload.

The fact they stopped doing it and only admitted to it after a question from a reporter
 transparency, right.


Simpson’s paradox (nb not really a paradox) describes the phenomenon where you see a higher (or lower) rate in the whole population than you see in any subgroup.

It has happened in Israel vaccine efficacy rates, where the VE overall is lower than that when you look at the VE in under- and over-50s separately.

Highlights how difficult it is to talk about things like reduced VE against Delta (which might still be a thing) using just the headline figures. Twitter thread here.


The other crazy thing from today’s press conference, is that it took a reporter from a news station which doesn’t believe in covid to actually hold her to account.

Every day its journalists throwing lobs, asking about minuscule rules which mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Priority vaccination appointments for people aged 16-39 in LGAs of concern

Those aged 16 to 39 living in the 12 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of concern will be given priority access to the Pfizer vaccine at a number of NSW Health clinics from tomorrow (Thursday).

Bookings can be made here.

Friend had a fancy new fridge delivered recently.

It was left outside her place on a saturday morning whilst she was at work. Thankfully still there when she got home

that’s the thing though, there’s a pretty fine line between essential and non-essential once you start to get closer to it. And then you also get the people that abuse the hell out of the definition. Sure you need to be able to provide people with white goods as a fridge is pretty essential these days, but then, you’ll have people that decide they need a new item because it doesn’t look good and you’ve essentially breached the public health order, even though the service is technically essential.

Another point with cafes and the such, they do their job in diluting people’s need to go to supermarkets by allowing takeaway. The wife and myself have, plenty of times, realised we haven’t bought everything, so we order uber eats, rather than go to the supermarkets. The comment that a driver has gone all over Sydney is definitely valid, but supermarkets have thousands from the area all going to a single convergence point.

Myself and 'Er Indoors got Pfizer #1 this morning. Relief all round.