I should be able to find one for wordpress, and since wordpress and the forum have a shared user database, it’ll be seamless.
if it doesn’t get used I can always shut it down.
I should be able to find one for wordpress, and since wordpress and the forum have a shared user database, it’ll be seamless.
if it doesn’t get used I can always shut it down.
Thought of another little thing. Is there any chance of a who’s online feature?
For the chat thing - Babble - A Chat Plugin - broken-plugin - Discourse Meta there are a few plugins around for discourse could be good.
There is a plugin for who’s online too - Who's Online Plugin (discourse-whos-online) - plugin - Discourse Meta - although experimental might be worth giving it a go.
I knew we’d discussed this somewhere.
Looks like there is now an official chat plugin:
Not sure how easy plugin installation is on Discourse, but if its straightforward enough perhaps WC could be an opportunity to trial it?