Round 12 - Sydney FC vs Newcastle - 13/03/21

Someone did say the Ivanovic and Kosta were very similar :slight_smile:


The defender was all over him, was half waiting for him to go down

Is Wood on the bench as simple as Bimbi knows Hyphen and Boogaard are super slow and Ivanovic is lightening fast?

That would make sense

Their defending is terrible

Fuck I would put Wood on. At least he can hit the target ffs

They look like they’re panicking every time we go forward

FFS - that is just awful

Redders fucking

what the fuck

Fucking. Shithouse

Bozza lecture in 3 2 1…


:see_no_evil: Redders please.

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Queue 70 minutes of us attacking but missing the target.


Three very good chances totally missed and then we gift them a goal - another one of those ‘just one of those seasons’ games…so far.

C’mon Sydney!

Fucks sake.

Newcastle are fucking pants.

He’s perilously close to using up all the goodwill.

Its Crawley 100%


Its deserved.

Reserve keeper is warming up, has Bimbi got the stones to replace Redders?