Round 13 - Western United vs Sydney FC - 21/1/22

I wondered what comical way we’d lose this one before the game, ended up being to probably the goal of the season.

Wonder what will happen against Victory? OSM member storms the field and runs past our defence to put the game to bed?

MOTM voting

Oh, we are getting worse.

We’ve been getting worse for about 4 seasons now. A nice slow, steady decline. :wink:

We’ve only been getting worse since COVID.


The good games (or halves) are fewer and further between.

We could argue about the details but not only are we getting worse either way, we are falling off a cliff.

Harps just announced that Yorke has parted ways with the bulls, hint hint?

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WHy would they part ways?

Cos the owners are bat shit insane?

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TBH I’d take it, I guess?

Corica looked pretty hollow in the post-match soft interview. Almost felt sorry for him.

If we pinched Yorke I wouldn’t complain…

I would 100% take Yorke for the rest of the season and just see how he does. Get the feeling the wheels are in motion.

No point bringing anyone in for less than 18 months

Because they only put 3 on us.Apparently it should have been more.

Sounds like Uffy and Monty have standards.

Decent chance of us and Victory being side-by-side bottom of the table soon

Nah, I’m firming on #MakOut at this point.


I do feel for you having to collate this week after week when it’s such shite on the field.

Bravo and thank you


I’d take Yorke - just to change things up