Round 13 - Western United vs Sydney FC - 21/1/22

Yeah well Jason Hoffman has about 300 professional games.

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Yeah. I feel for Newcastle fans, to be honest. Donachie has occasionally been decent at this level, but Hoffman never has. They must be possibly even more confused than the rest of us as to how he keeps getting games.

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Presumably plays a significant leadership role in the group (he seemed to be running the huddle before play resumed from the light break last week ) which Corica values and/or doesn’t want to mess with.

I don’t think it’s justified, but I suspect that’s what it is.


We are defensively frail but we have been well on top this second half. All over them.

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If so, I’m starting to think I can see where our problems are coming from.

Corica & Donachie in cahoots.

Bloody hell that would be an even greater worry.

So Western have Diamanti on the bench. Get him the fuck on already

What an absolutely dreadful pass from Burgess. How can a professional miss a relatively simple pass so much? What the fuck?

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Hey Corica, games a bit flat, has been for, well, a while. How about making some fucking substitutions and trying to inject a bit of spark into the game?

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As poor as this game has been, nobody can say we haven’t had chances. That was very close.

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We are playing well tbh, I wouldn’t change anything for now. Our bench is pretty weak…

I’d put Wood on for sure

Why would we possibly want the energy of wood on the pitch, better to watch ALF be slow to the spot he should be in then blame everyone else


Would you be opposed to throwing on Patty Wood and giving him the best part of half an hour over Le Fondre and hoping his pace, energy and desire to actually show what he can do up front over Alf who is well and truly past it?

Nah, Retre will come on and save the day.


Maybe Wood for Alf yea, but Wood honestly isn’t very good.

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I bet the bloke who spent 2 dsys decorating the joint is kicking himself now

I’d put him on for Burgess. More energy, and really can’t do any worse than Burgess has today.

EDIT: Close enough. Caceres has been just as bad.

Lol good call