Russia v Ukraine - WWIII or Putin's cliff dive?

Calls for people to die is one of the grosser aspects of the online discussion around this topic - this forum is normally pretty resistant to that kind of discourse.

I really try to not let myself become desensitised to mass murder.


Here’s an idea of military targets that were previously off limits that might get hit now/ in the next two months. Report is that this is due to the presence of NK troops in the Kursk salient and the logistics and troop concentrations involved there will be the first targets.

The North Korean authorities really are terrible if they let their men get slaughtered over this bullshit

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Not as slaughtered as the laptops they were viewing the unlimited Russian porn they were watching before heading to the front.

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They can also knock out to Kerch bridge once and for all.

Effectively, they have a two month window to use this hardware as they will before the new CiC can activate any kill-switches or just threaten to blow up any weapons systems they still have hands on. Keep in mind the longest range ATACMS missiles aren’t in huge supply, so they’ll want to make them count, and I just don’t see that taking out the Kerch bridge is the most effective tactic in that time frame when it doesn’t relieve as much pressure on their front lines as strikes on logistics or airbase targets in Russia would do.

They’ve always been able to hit the bridge with US weapons. The ban was using them in Russia, Crimea is Ukraine

In fairness he was referring to military targets rather than civilian

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So a President who was ousted from within his own party due to declining faculties graciously sits out the campaign, the idiots that ousted him get done over about 9-0 to use a football analogy & now this same guy, comes back to being President again even though he’s on his way out & makes a decision like this.

Is there any tactical nous that will change the direction of the war or some pathetic chicken shit decision that they won’t have to take responsibility for anyway just to spite orange buffoon on their way out?

I mean you can all sit here & cheerlead for your favourite politician but as has been alluded to there are people lives at stake here & a possible escalation of the war to beyond Ukraine? I mean has anyone thought this through.

No wonder I hate both sides of politics.

If you think Biden just made that call without thorough and appropriate consultation then you only understand how one side of politics works.

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If war is too important to be left to the generals then he has zero mandate to make this decision.

I’m sure he totally tossed it like a grenade just to spite Trump without any discussion with his European counterparts. :roll_eyes:

Why do it one week after you get completely shat on in a general election? Seems a bit rushed don’t you think?

Or you could view it as he now has the abiltity to do what should have been done two years ago without the cynical political considerations.


Escalation of the war outside of Ukraine. Have you not seen whats happening there?

In any case, early analysis indicates that, if Ukraine had been allowed to hit targets in Russia earlier, theyd be in a significantly bwtter position. The problem is thaat the west is taking months or years to approve shit off, but by then it’s too late to make a proper impact

The problem is, if Putin isn’t stopped here, he’s going to try and take another country if he wins in Ukraine.

The Kremlin is a civilian target, and a world heritage one.

If we still believe in due process, Putin belongs in the Hague, not the morgue.

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Regardless, I simply cannot get excited about people being needlessly killed - even people in the military.

Nobody gets shat on in general elections in the US these days. 48.4% to 50.2% is hardly a walloping. Elections are on a knife edge - the polling miss here was within the standard margin of error, and had it gone the other way it could have been Harris with 300+ EVs (like Biden did).

Biden is also President, with all the powers that that brings, until January 20. He’s entitled to use those powers as he sees fit within the law and the Constitution.

I dont think anyone’s getting excited, but think of it from the point of view that every Russian soldier that gets killed, means less of a chance that a Ukrainian civilian gets killed