Whoever did it a caravan full of explosives is fucking scary in Sydney.
Also I’m amused at the story that the guy who towed it to his house did it because “he felt it presented a hazard to traffic” . Yeah right, you were stealing it you dodgy cunt.
Whoever did it a caravan full of explosives is fucking scary in Sydney.
Also I’m amused at the story that the guy who towed it to his house did it because “he felt it presented a hazard to traffic” . Yeah right, you were stealing it you dodgy cunt.
Nobody ever said their accusations were anything with substance…
If Iran had paid for this, and that would be VERY unlikely, they’d be doing it in the hope of sewing discord and trying to fire up fights between Israelis, Australians and Muslims. At the end of the day, why would anyone honestly give a shit enough to do this in Australia? We don’t provide any physical military aid, apart from intelligence, economically we’re nowhere near the top 5 and diplomatically, we really don’t have much sway. If they were going to do something, it’d be in Germany where there’ already a lot of shit happening between them all.
Asides from armor for Rafael from Wollongong steel, bomb bay door actuators for F-35s, and 57 other “inherently lethal” things
You’re conflating two very different concepts. In providing aid, I’m saying that we’re not giving them stuff for free. An Aussie company signing a contract to provide armour for IFVs is pretty much free market. The same company provides armour for Rhinemetal as well. Plus it was a $900,000 contract. That’s not exactly a big contract when you take into account an IFV costs $3,000,000 to produce.
The stuff for F-35’s as well, it’s being produced for F-35s, not F-35s that are being sold to Israel. Slightly different situation, but again, they’re part of a global procurement contract, rather than us giving them out for free. The US though, spends billions each year arming Israel with ammunition, etc.
In any case, my point still very much stands, anyone trying to stir hate between Israel and Muslims in Australia is very much wasting their time. We’re not a big global diplomatic player when it comes to the middle east. Stoking anti-Chinese tensions would be a different matter, but there is no way Muslims and Isrealis fighting in Australia is going to affect global diplomacy
For sure, such an organisation could be sounding out domestic elements here. Hasn’t the threat of domestic terrorism/extremism already been discussed out in the open?
To me this feels like the most logical explanation. Mossad or the Israeli embassy would love the outcome in Victoria of criminalising pro-Palestine protests, but it would better suit their narratives to incite violence at actual protests, and a long time ago, not in the lead up to the ceasefire in Gaza when this bomb plot appears to have occurred.
Ok, i see what you’re saying and largely agree with you otherwise. Our support for Israel, including diplomatic, is not insignificant though.
The most logical explanation is that 2 people, in custody on drugs charges, are crack heads.
What other notes did they find in the caravan? Were they solely anti Israel?
Given that the authorities are very reluctant to call it a terrorist plot then I’m more than comfortable in believing that it’s a case of crack heads being crack heads rather than any Mossad false flag op or the Iranians stirring up discontent.
Everyone just needs to relax a bit.
There have been a number of actual attacks on Jewish homes, businesses and places of worship. Whatever the story is with this particular caravan I don’t think anyone’s up for relaxing.
Seriously how fucking hard is it not to be a corrupt fuckwit?
thing is it’s not even being a corrupt fuckwit, that was just complete and utter fuckwitishness to the extreme. The worst thing is, I can guarantee half of them do shit like that, she’s just one of the ones that’s been caught
Sounds like an argument for EV adoption of NSW government vehicles. You can be corrupt for a significantly reduced cost to the taxpayer.
Certainly covered by the definition. Misusing public resources for personal gains/benefit.
And just when I thought I heard it all from politicians misusing public resources … jeebus.
Sorry, 100% corruption, but imagine being that much of a prick, that you’d force your chauffer to spend an entire day driving you to the Hunter and then back, just to have lunch on a long fucking weekend. The entitlement there is amazing… Especially as she obviously wasn’t working on the the day
And the arrogance to think something so blatant wouldn’t be caught? Probably right on that front though I guess. Like you say most of them probably do this kind of shit and everyone just keeps shtum.
They don’t all do it.
Friend of mine was in a relationship with the daughter of a Labor minister from the hunter.
They were at their house in Newcastle. The minister was driving back to Canberra with his official car.
Daughter said can you drive him back to Sydney?
He said no, even though he’s driving through Sydney to get to Canberra he can’t use the car for anything other than driving himself to Canberra.
Wouldn’t the best way to go about it is if you think there’s any doubt there then drive yourself and submit an expenses claim?
Or maybe he just couldn’t be arsed taking the detour!
I might try and use “nah cause corruption” when asked to do something I want to get out of