Sigh - the NSW politics thread

Apart from the fact that the Train Union subsequently under reported the exact same numbers?


The big difference in the numbers is based on their base salary, which is what the Union is reporting, and the 2GB number, which is actual pay once you take into account entitlements, overtime, super etc. For instance, intercity drivers get paid extra for every KM that they drive outside of Sydney, based on a sliding scale

I didn’t comment on the union at all. So yes, they are acting in bad faith even if the union subsequently under-reported the same numbers, killed a puppy and burnt down an orphanage.

Base pay is $78k a year. They get paid extra for a reason.

Pretty common for job-ads to advertise annual “packages” these days which include super.
Different for hourly rates.

So only people with an interest in making salaries seem larger than they are?

That’s pretty disingenuous though. That would 100% be base salary and in this case you have a job that is a) around the clock & therefore b) subject to penalties and allowances and also c) the ShittyFail network runs on overtime. I’m not saying they don’t deserve more money but the unions play the game hard as anyone.

Yeah and this has been the case in the public sector for a long time.

Yet another hate crime :frowning:

Apparently Police have found a van full of explosives in Dural thats linked to all the anti-semetic attacks.

After the above attack, it was reported that police suspect a “foreign actor” is paying organised crime networks to conduct the attacks. It would make sense that the two figures identified as in custody in relation to the van have no obvious ethnic or political link to the issue

More than 50% chance it’s Israel.

The police put out a statement they were upset investigation details were leaked to News Corp, compromising the investigation. Reading between the lines it’s because whoever paid these dickheads to do it (or unlikely but potentially, the ringleaders of the organisation they were) now knows to cover their tracks.

I think there’s a strong chance it’s Mossad trying to put pressure on us but its far from the only explanation, it could be an international far right organisation. Iran is possible but seems unlikely as they would benefit more from driving a wedge between us and Israel rather than encouraging solidarity.

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If they dont think Dutton will be PM later this year, then this does drive a wedge between the current Australian government and the Israeli government which accuses them of doing nothing to stop the wave of attacks.

The 2 people arrested for this are crack heads

They’re probably pissing themselves laughing at the whole thing while coming down.

What sensible foreign intelligence unit doesn’t think Dutton will be PM later this year though?

This whole caravan thing seems a bit weird to me. A caravan full of explosives just left out on the street for a week or so? Hmm I wonder what is really going on

And a note that allegedly had a list of potential targets and “Fuck the Jews”.

Surprised it didn’t have a title of “My Evil Plan” underlined in texta at the top of the page.


Anyone who thinks either side has it locked up has rocks in their head

You can terrorise without even doing the thing. This is like a threatening letter in every Jewish house mailbox.

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Except they
 have? There’s literally feds helping out state forces on this.

This is all speculation of course, but if the Iranian regime was behind this, wouldn’t they want to leverage their support among the Shia community, rather than pay some bikies to stage the attack?