The travelling circus: stadia discussion

I was on the new tram last night and on the station map they have a stop right out the front of ES Marks. I noticed the ground is owned by the NSW Government. Maybe with a bit of work it could be an option

I endorse es marks and the greatest concrete curva in the country.


A BIT of work? Lol. We’d basically be building from scratch. Would be hilarious from a ‘Sydney City East Hakoah’ point of view though haha.

I’m not giving up on the dream of taking over Wentworth Park

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I’m now firmly on the ES Marks bandwagon.

All other options are as inferior as really inferior stuff.

Now Danny’s saying we are still expecting two modes…

By configuration does he mean safe standing is still happening? Just not the curtain/two modes.

I took it to mean that we’re still being promised there’ll be dual-mode, but it probably/definitely won’t be a curtain

At the very least we could get extendable shade cloths/tarps like Vancouver.

By 2 modes they probably just mean they will have the ability to completely close the top teir.

Velvet rope across the stairwell to the top tier?


There will need to be a bloke patrolling said rope, saying “Not in those shoes mate” to all passers by.


Caught the light rail today, would be absolutely brilliant on game day heading to a Bankwest-replica.

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Mode 1: Stadium not built (current mode)
Mode 2: Stadium built


Meanwhile over in India, US$100m gets you a bigger stadium

You can do that when the materials there would probably cost a lot less than here and helps when you basically can pay the labourers with peanuts.

Probably paying overs too, given a portion of their labourers are living in squalid conditions in Qatar atm.

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A strong part of the reason I’m boycotting 2022.

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Tonight is a perfect example of the contrast between an appropriately sized ground and the SFS. 17k at SFS 2 years ago would have been nothing special, at a 18k ground it looks sounds and feels amazing.


After tonight, does anyone think we should stay at Kogarah permanently and just have the bigger matches (derby, big blue, finals etc) at the new stadium at Moore Park?

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