The TV Show Thread

Season 3 of Fisk, what am I missing? I didn’t mind the first 2 seasons but I don’t think I have laughed once yet. Aaron Chen is probably the only good thing about it

Nautilus is really good fun, nothing groundbreaking, but great ripping yarns type fun.

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Jubs - agree, although I thought my kids might like it and in the end it was just me sitting there watching, I don’t know if ‘submarines are cool’ is something that captures the imagination of Gen Alpha etc like it did growing up with Jules Verne books etc.

Filmed on the Gold Coast I think, looks like it cost a lot of money to make.

It’s old-fashioned adventures in Victorian times, not really appealing to the SASM yoof of today.

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Pretty good first up season of The Jackal.

Hidden below:


am somewhat annoyed that the final episode didn’t bring any full resolution and was just a set up for season two. It is happening all too often in tv series now.

It is clear that season two will now be about hunting Tywin Lannister down.

I really enjoyed the series, but whole heartedly agree with your point

The Jackal is now going to be the kind of anti hero fighting the worlds rich on a vengeance mission

They cast the Jackal perfectly, he has the worlds most punchable face.

Pullman is the weak casting link, the actress is just wrong for the part, never carries off the seriousness and dedication the role needed.

He’s no Robbie Kruse

The Jackal (Eddie Redmayne) gives me Thunderbirds vibes.



Was just watching the cricket and they had an ad for some game show hosted by Jim Jefferies. Things gone down hill for him or what?

Probably when he quit drinking and doing drugs and doing his stage shows completely fucked up.

I’ve seen him a couple of times lately, his last show was great. Though he does about 10 mins that would make his specials, the rest is very Aussie-centric humour.

He’s been spending more time in Oz because his parents are dead/near the end. Might as well get paid for it too. He’s got another show coming where he features a bunch of comedians too

The English version is hosted by Lee Mack

He’s probably just transitioning to TV to get some dollars and then do a special once every 18 months to two years

Since there’s not a lot to watch in Jan/Feb, I’ve hit the reset on the following shows

The Shield - 2nd Watch
The Wire - 3rd Watch
Fargo - 2nd Watch
Justified - 2nd Watch
Succession - 2nd Watch
Breaking Bad - 3rd Watch
Better Call Saul - 2nd Watch
The Expanse - 4th Watch
Vikings - 2nd Watch
Battlestar Galactica - 5th Watch
Orphan Black - 3rd Watch
Spartacus - 3rd Watch
The Sopranos - 7th Watch
Deadwood - 3rd Watch

That should see me through the dry spell


Getting stuck into Lockerbie which is quite good, albeit a bit overacted.

I am also grappling with really wanting to go deep into a wiki hole for it, but don’t want to spoil the story.

7 times through Sopranos is impressive.

Not sure how you find the time to do all those, but that compilation is the quintessential greatest TV shows of all time.

(I’d throw Chernobyl in that list too, personally.)

Since COVID I’ve worked from home, and for most of that I’ve had an ultrawide monitor, so I can stream a TV show while working most of the time. About 70% of my job is analysis and recommendation reports, or bids for new work, so there’s a lot of time where I can have a show playing, especially one I’ve seen before, and still be working.

Yeah, there’s no way I could do that.

Not because my job doesn’t allow it (I also WFH with an 47” ultra-wide monitor, and am effectively my own boss).

It’s more so that my brain simply couldn’t deal with that much simultaneously going on. I can’t even have music playing in the background without it derailing my train of thought, so there’s no way I could have TV on the side and get anything done.

I’m the opposite. Unless it’s something I’m really locked in on, I need a distraction for that little gremlin in my brain trying to derail everything.

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Have you watched The Last Kingdom? If you liked Vikings and Spartacus, could be right up your alley