I think ive seen this movie…
I think ive seen this movie…
I for one welcome our new AI overlords.
How long before this new Argentine dictator wants another crack at the Falklands?
Cool real life minority report. AI has detected that you are in fact a minority, therefore you have been found guilty.
Oh come on guys, you dont think this will pick up all that institutional corruption and get the criminals at the top end of town?! Cmon!
If you haven’t done anything wrong or aren’t in the wrong minority or your people have control of the training data sets you have nothing to worry about!
The Taliban have now officially banned women from reading, reciting or singing out loud in public. They’re required to cover themselves at all time in public, including facemasks, all because apparently Taliban men can’t control themselves…
They’ve also reportedly removed some 500 males from Government positions as they were unable to grow beards.
So you mean all this rhetoric about them not reverting back to their old way was just bullshit?
Didn’t see that coming. Here I was thinking the Taliban were going to be progressive.
Well, that rules me out of joining the Taliban, Unless they count some patchy, puby looking growth…
Seriously how do they come up with these rules?
I haven’t read what they are selling but surely it doesn’t say to treat women like this.
The key to this is ‘their interpretation’ of Sharia Law.
Sharia law is fucked enough as it is on itself, but they just come up with some fucked up idea, call it ‘their interpretation’, and think its all hunky dory.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t have left Afghanistan, but you can’t tell me the country is better off now than it was 10 years ago. Sadly, the Afghan national government was about as stable as a house made out of matchsticks.
All the billions of dollars and effort poured into the country undone in a manner of literal weeks, and now just completely obliterated by this archaic fucked up group.
It’s sad for the civilian population who have no option of escape, but I honestly don’t know what the international community can do to help anymore. We can’t go back into Afghanistan, foreign aid groups are all but banned. Westerners are basically banned.
All you hope I guess is that the civilian population eventually rise up against the Taliban, but with all coups and regime changes, who says it’s going to be for the best.
Sounds like project 2025
I don’t want to be THAT guy and I also understand that the whole area is mired in a huge amount of history and background, but their previous government needs to shoulder a big portion of that blame. Apparently their armed forces, NATO trained, number 190,000 people, but was more interested in trying to figure out how to rort the system, than to actually protect the country from the Taliban. Even with the US withdrawal being done in shambles, they had decent forewarning as to what was going to occur, especially seeing how quickly the capitulation of their entire armed forces occured.
I agree. From the get go their whole government was rorted in huge swathes of corruption. This is what I was alluding too earlier when I mentioned their government was a matchstick house.
In the end the US Government realized that they could no longer keep spending billions of dollars propping them up, but I don’t think anybody realized just how quick they would implode and collapse. I think best estimates were they would be able to keep the Taliban from advancing for a couple years, ended up literally being a couple of weeks.
The funniest thing being was the US Governmnet had to do a deal with the Taliban not to attack while they were withdrawing. Theres stories that duding the evacuation some US Soldiers manning Bagram Airport were literally side by side with Taliban troops on either side of the boundary fence. These Taliban troops were also wearing tens of thousands of dollars worth of US equipment they pilfered from ANA bases.
Afghanistan is (and honestly has been for a long time) a complete lost cause.
And honestly it’s neighbours in Pakistan and Iran are happy for it to be so.
The Taliban were at least smart enough to understand that any attacks on US troops would bring down hellfire on them. Imagine how the withdrawal would have changed should a company of US troops been pinned down by Taliban soldiers.
It’s not this photo - and I’ll see if I can find it -
But there was a photo very similar to this (in this one you can see an ISAF soldier in the background - with an ANA soldier/interpreter standing around with Taliban soldiers) but it’s a US soldier on one side of a barbed wire fence, next to a Taliban soldier in full US Style camouflage; helmet; and M4 carbine and they’re conversing with each other like they’re old mates.
The problem with the USA is that they’re a hard line religious state that won’t discuss/negotiate.
If the US had entered into a negotiations with Afghanistan in good faith and gotten Bin Laden out of them they could have spent the last 20 years chipping away at the Taliban regime. It’s the same mistakes they make with Cuba, Iran and North Korea. They want everything right now.
Afghanistan would be in a better position now if we hadn’t invaded it.
Lots of countries throughout history have ended up getting in a mess by invading Afghanistan.
Alexander did a pretty decent job…
I’d probably rather invade Russia.