Cheerleaders 2018

Hopefully nothing that’s gonna stress your back there mate.

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Literally zero plans these holidays except a couple visits to the pub, and NY at a mates.

Fuck it’s good.

With how broken my back is I have pretty much given up caring.

Lifting stuff around the house and my wife wants to be careful, why? So I don’t hurt my back?
It’s already broken.

Hasn’t been that long. Surely you’re still healing? Even if it’s not been completely successful.

It’s been over three months.
I’ve gone backwards despite resting. I’m back on pre-surgery levels of painkillers.

I’ve completely stopped physio and hydrotherapy due to pain.
I should be back to exercise by now and thinking about work.
Instead I’m drugged up and struggling to walk.

I’ve actually achieved a shit load of stuff today and watched almost all the sport on offer today.
Relaxing in bed with Sydney fc and some instant relief tapentadol :rofl:

Went for a quick walk to check out the 9pm fireworks. Not even worth the 90 second walk.

Proper old man over here, watch the Sydney midnight fireworks live on tv and then go to bed.
Asleep before 930pm

This is the best NYE approach.

NYE on ABC. Never been so conflicted by anything as that Fanning Dempsey thing simultaneously ruining Powderfinger songs while salvaging Something For Kate songs.

Casey Donovan can get in the bin. Nooky was quality.

Went to the beach for nyd afternoon with some friends.
I was carrying our stuff back to the car while my wife and the others went to get ice creams for the kids.
My wife calls me and says “we have to do some nurse stuff” and hangs up.

I head to where they are and arrive at the same time as an ambulance.

A guy was drunk off his face, fell over in the sand, tried to swim and then passed out, had to be carried out of the water by someone.
He then tried eating sand, breathing was laboured and vomited.

Luckily for him my wife and our friend are both nurse/midwives and have him sorted out.
I help with his airway and stopping him from eating more sand.

Paramedics rock up and take over.

We went and got ice cream.


I had a giggle at the illegal fireworks shennigans at Greenacre.

That was me from about the age of 10 to 16. We used to put pipes on the end of fireworks & shoot them at each other.

Reverted to the sand pit as a kid.

Must have been blasted.

Yeah he had no idea what was going on.

His girlfriend and family arrived as the paramedics were getting him onto a board.

I’m guessing he’d been drinking all day.

I had to go pick up my wife from work today because when she was on her break a psycho wasp attacked her.
She is allergic to bees so they took her around to Emergency (one of the benefits of working at a hospital) and they gave her some medication and monitored her for a while.

She had to run away from the wasp and it tried to chase her inside.

I was hearing the Benny Hill theme while reading that.

They found that guy missing down near Kosciusko. A rare one to find them alive after two weeks!

Unbelievable - found a small hut that had two muesli bars in it

Would love to know the full story of how he massively shit the bed as an experienced hiker.