Cheerleaders 2018

Who the fuck is going to protect us from the boat peoples?

We don’t discuss on water operations here

It’s not gay if you’re underway…

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The headlines on channel 7 just then. “Police and the army at the border to keep Victorians out” haha the day we have all been waiting for!


Should have done it years ago.

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We should get a posse together like those red necks in America and go down and help patrol the border


We joke, but i can’t help but feel we (NSW) aren’t too far behind…

Everybody is just getting the jokes in while they can.

Brazilian President tests positive. I know it’s a prick thing to say, but fuck I hope it hits him hard…


I’m self isolating now.
My wife was working at a hospital and got a cold from our kids.
NSW health says she must get tested.
Now our whole family has to isolate till she gets the results.

New normal?

I think so. Ive had to send two staff home. First one’s son was getting tested and it was official advice from the doctor and second one was complaining of a sore throat. The saving grace was that no Covid was identified, but the second had a particularly nasty cold that took her a week to recover from.

If you are home schooling young children are you entitled to the same pay loading you would get if the Navy deployed you to an active war zone?


Should be comparable to special forces allowances

You want to get paid for defending the nation?

How unpatriotic!

My favourite comment is when people complain we don’t pay taxes
Sorry what?

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Well i didn’t ASK you to defend this country…

It is probably about time the government sold the defence forces to private enterprise.

I’m pretty sure that’s what the seppos did which means they’ve just spent 19 years in a useless limited war because it’s good for someone’s share prices.


Pretty sure we can get a better deal if we outsource to China