Euro 2020 thread

Fucking hating the super-biased commentary, England have been very, very ordinary but are being talked up like they’re killing every aspect of their game.

Phil Foden really is a special footballer, his touch and control is gorgeous to watch.

I would have started bellingham, but Philips has well and truly proved me wrong.

Best on ground by far.

Really hating the little Englander slant to the Optus coverage. This is Australia. Fuck those cunts.


I was lurking R/scottishfootball yesterday.

Apparently bias towards the English in most British media is over the top.

What as opposed to SBS’s biased stuff over the years, at least since Johnny Warren died and Fozzie took over with his only way to play football is bore the cr.p out of everyone by playing like Barcelona and Spain and playing endless pass ball until the other team fell asleep. The weather did not do England any favors but they have fantastic players and an ordinary manager and a couple of gaps in defense. If they pick the correct tactics they will get to the final if not win.


Strong first post.

Spot the England fan… :wink:

The one forum that’s likely to get stuck into Warren and Foster …

England were excellent for the first 30 minutes and then Croatia figured it out and the heat seemed to take it out of them.

defensively we still still look weak but we have enough attacking intent to get me excited until we get knocked out on penalties in the quarter finals at which point I’ll moan about all the foreigners isn’t the premier league and go back to watching the a league

I think they were fortunate to score, they’re not going far in this tournament.

They had some moments but weren’t amazing. Really hard to get an accurate guage on them with the insane media hype.

A lot of properly word class players though. They should be close if they click.

Not apparently, it is and always has been. The only benefit is the crushing effect of reality when they go out on penalties to Germany.


Excellent read, wasn’t there, I’d recently moved to Japan. Friends rated that trip as the start of the modern Tartan Army.

I wish I could actually watch this game, my stream is frozen more than it’s working.

There has been nothing wrong with my feed, the problem may be at your end

  1. Like the Scots kit.
  2. McGinn is a fuckin beast

Dark shorts always spell trouble for us. I’m nervous as fuck now.

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You could throw a blanket over all of them at times. Neither team seems to be maintaining shape or width