Grand Final - City vs Sydney FC - 26/6/21

So, to be clear, the Fox deadline is more important than the ACL deadline? This is the state of football in this country?


I vote for the game to be played in Canberra

  1. because I live there
  2. I won’t have to drive for 3 hours up to Kogarah then 3 hours home
  3. It’s actually 4 hours home after several stops to wake up :sleeping:
  4. We will win anywhere
  5. It will be freezing :cold_face:
  6. Bruce Stadium holds 20k +
  7. Why not ?
    :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :trophy:

Have we won yet?


The games are on kayo free now anyways

“Cash-strapped A-League clubs could be turning down roughly $1 million in additional revenue by holding Saturday night’s grand final outside of Sydney, as Melbourne City called for the showpiece match to be staged at AAMI Park regardless of any restrictions on crowds.“

Fair point, we could play in front of 1/4 filled stadium in Parra last season, why can’t we do the same in Melbourne. I doubt the away club would get any tickets allocated though

I want it in Melbourne so we don’t hear any more whinging when we win it again.

We could play in a 1/4 filled stadium last year, because no one could get into the other state.

Fuck Melbourne

Whinging will still happen if we win it’ll be the ref or VAR or FFA conspiracy or they are missing so many top players theories

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And this will be us on Saturday. Fuck Melbourne and fuck eurosnobs


Why aren’t we having the final at Wembley?


Of course, at time of publication, we still have no idea where the Grand Final is set to be played.

Pencilled in for next Saturday, City won the rights to host the fixture at AAMI Park by winning the premiership but, as shown by their “home” semifinal win over Macarthur at Jubilee Stadium, such promises aren’t worth much these days.

“With Melbourne City now having the right to host it is our intent to try and find a way for them to play it at AAMI Park next Saturday night,” APL commissioner Greg O’Rourke told Fox Sports on Sunday.

"We’ll go through the same process we did this week to try and have Melbourne play their semifinal at home, which was to have a number of options on the table. We had 25%, 50% and above as well.

"We’ll go through exactly the same, talk to the Victorian government and try to get the maximum crowd possible.

“As to where it goes after that, we haven’t decided. A number of governments have spoken to us about taking the Grand Final away but that’s really a distant Plan B for us. We want to push everything we have to put this back in Melbourne and give City the right they deserve.”

For the sake of competitive integrity – which is already shaky due to the uneven regular season fixture and has taken an absolute battering these finals with Socceroos absences – anything less than a Victorian hosted game would cast a deep shadow over the entire finals’ process.

Melbourne being Melbourne, though, the APL might be best served by simply hoping the AFL does the heavy lifting for them.


I’ve booked flights and a refundable hotel and got my travel cert. done since I’m in a green zone.

Not beyond the realm of possibility for Hornsby Shire to be declared an Orange Zone in the coming days. One of the cases post-8pm last night is a “northern suburbs” resident. Not sure if that means Ryde or Hornsby.

West Pennant Hills and Castle Hill have some locations on the Government’s list. Are they classed as Northern Suburbs?

Armidale/Newcastle respectively.

Even from an orange zone, it’s do-able, you just to allow yourself an extra 24 hours or so (so you can get a neg test and isolate while you wait the result). Annoying, but do-able for some.

“Cash-strapped A-League clubs could be turning down roughly $1 million in additional revenue by holding Saturday night’s grand final outside of Sydney, as Melbourne City called for the showpiece match to be staged at AAMI Park regardless of any restrictions on crowds.”

Full story

It’s doable right now, pending the further development of the situation. I’ve booked a flight in for early Wednesday morning and have my Orange Zone permit, but pretty much proceeding blindly beyond that. Could end up costing me a lot in terms of accommodation and I could end up stuck there. I’m certifiable, I suppose.

Sort of. Hills. North-west, I suppose.
There are locations of concern in LGAs that have not been declared Orange Zones. But you might have attended none of the listed venues but still be in an Orange Zone.

Good luck with that!