It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Guaranteed the 16 year old kid working there will cop it from these idiots

Any more proof needed that we need to cut Land off from the mainland and float off into the sea?

Have the hacks at the australian put out a hit job on this socialist yet? How dare he say such things! On taxpayer monies!!1

Theres not really another thread to post this though it’s not strictly speaking politics I guess.

On 15 January, the broadcaster filed its defence in the Fair Work Commission (FWC), in which it asserted Lattouf’s employment was terminated on 20 December, and took effect the same day.

In its submission, the ABC wrote it decided “not to require” Lattouf to perform the last two of her five shifts as a casual presenter of Sydney’s Mornings because she had “failed or refused to comply with directions that she not post on social media about matters of controversy during the short period she was presenting”.

The ABC later advised Lattouf’s lawyer, Josh Bornstein, that it was now claiming it did not terminate her employment and she was not entitled to make an unlawful termination application.

Quality work here from the ABC.

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Scott Morrison to retire in the new year to head overseas. Hopefully he continues on fucking off, straight to hell.

Our second worst PM in a very tight field.


I have to ask then, if he is the second worst, who takes the cake?



Shit, honestly forgot all about him

Depends how you want to rank them. Morrison was just plain incompetent and out of this depth while Abbott was just a scum bag.

  1. Howard
  2. Morrison
  3. Abbott

Howard was a cold-blooded calculated arsehole, Abbott was a dumb cunt, with Morrison a mixture of the two.

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Recency bias

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Obviously depends on definition, but Fraser. Fuck that bastard.

Conscription. Authorising conscription is the worst thing a prime minister can do. Forcing someone to fight and die for their agenda is far worse than anything these prime ministers did.


The only reason I wouldn’t put Howard at the top is because automatic and semi-automatic rifles were banned in his time as PM.

I still rate Morrison as the worst. Purely based on the absolute ineptitude and failures. I mean he went on freaking holidays in the middle of a National Emergency
 As far as I can remember Morrison didn’t really do anything positively noteworthy in his entire time as Prime Minister. Even Abbott managed to come through with some Free Trade agreements with Asia, as well as proposing the Gay Marriage Plebiscite. Fraser had the forming of SBS, Howard had the gun laws etc. I honestly can’t remember a single big positive thing that Morrison did?

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At least Abbott holds a hose.

I will always respect Johnny for having the stones to put GST on the table. It turned an unloseable election into a genuine contest, risking government because he knew tax reform was needed.

Possibly the last time the Libs put good of the nation above their own interests, hence why I’d reverse Rhys’s list.

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Fair call.

I’d put Morrison well above anyone in my lifetime for worst PM. He was not only incompetent but seeked to actively and openly undermine the role of government in general after he was voted out. One could argue he was actively undermining the role of government while in power, as well.


The whole secretly appointing himself to ministerial roles is a doozy