It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Took a few years and a lot of dancing round the issue, but it looks like changes to stage 3 tax cuts are back on the agenda. Fingers crossed for some kind of sensible outcome even though the political discourse will of course be stuck deep in muck

Has anyone seen mention of what the top level estimates are for how much this raises/lowers overall tax revenue? Or is it supposed to be neutral to what was originally forecast? Havent been able to find analysis on that. Just on the brackets.

From what I stand it is near enough neutral, just who gets the benefits have shifted down from the top bracket to focus more on middle income earners.

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Like all of Australians I just want to know how much more money I will be getting.



I also want it explained in terms of how many loaves of bread/cartons of milk Iā€™ll be able to afford per week


Depends, are you talking gluten free, sour dough, flavoured? With milk are we doing soy, almond, oat, cold pressed or are you buying a cow?

It is an outrage.

The LNP should definitely go to the next election with the promise to rollback the changes and increase low and middle income taxes.


Wonā€™t somebody think of the poor downtrodden people who are the top 2% of earners who now only get a 4.5k saving instead of 9 :sob:


I have never been so happy to lose several thousand dollars in future earnings. Maybe the Labor Party actually has a reason to exist after all.


While I full appreciate the fact that the original tax cuts were quite BS and should never have happened, itā€™s again completely and utterly shit that a politician who came in on the back of promises around not changing the cuts, breaks those exact same promises.

Iā€™d much prefer a party breaks a promise when it no longer makes sense. Not that it really ever made sense.

The tax changes were legislated years ago. So much has changed since then.

5 Likes article, so take it with a grain of salt.

Not wanting to live in an echo chamber decided to give it a read. It makes some okay points, e.g. someone living in Sydney earning 150k isnā€™t exactly rich.

On the flip side, someone earning 60k in Sydney is definitely going to be struggling, especially if they have a family and are likely to need the money more.

The point about Albo creating a class war (paraphrasing) is fucking stupid though.

Got a good chuckle out of this! If anything they will just promise those at the top to get what they are ā€œowedā€.

It never made sense, Labor was very open about how much it didnā€™t make sense, yet when the election came, they supported it. Thatā€™s the biggest issue we have with politics, parties make promises and break them, then their supporters will generally take it leniently, while the opposition will destroy them.

I did not say that we will roll back Laborā€™s new proposal. I said we support the existing stage three arrangements and we would assess the new proposal.

So much back tracking from Sussan Ley this morning. Wedge politics isnā€™t as fun when you are the one being wedged.


If all the tax cuts were converted into one cent coins it would fill 2.36 Sydney Harbours.


Thatā€™s a lot of Olympic size swimming pools

Whatā€™s that in pennies?

Pauline thinks the lower class will just squander the money rather than what sheā€™d do with it. Bloody plebs.

I love the way they manage to just argue with whatever Labor do, regardless of the position.