It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread


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(Well OK, one comment: we pay actual money to these people to “lead” us)

Would I have known that they had put it to the Government that the big two should be broken up had it not been for the stunt?


Will it achieve anything?

Also no, other than perhaps getting competition back on the agenda rather than just being “pro-business”.

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That’s worth it for Katters face alone.

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So, does everyone think that Joe Hockey already knows who it is?

I can’t see how Coles and Woolworths will ever recover from this absolutely epic own.

Now Dutton is suggesting they should be named.

So it’s either a ex-Labor MP or they just want the world to think it is. Well at least until Saturday.

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I wonder if it’s the old Sam Destyari story?

Morrison is an ex poli now yeah?

And really, that description about selling out the country. That’s pretty much all of them.

Just it’s ok if you sell it out to an entity that ends in Pty Ltd, and frowned upon if it’s the unnamed foreign entity that we all know who is.

Nah. It’s another lovely attempt by the right wing of politics to discredit the function of government in the past, present and future.


I wonder if the SMH we’re waiting on that article for the most opportune time?

Wasn’t there always a cloud over Gladys Liu and some of her connections

All these class reductionist assumptions that “Chinese communist bureaucrats” and “Labor socialist bureaucrats” are the ones in bed together.

In reality, Chinese billionaires want to influence us, they go to the party for Australian billionaires

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At heart, the chinese are the best capitalists you will ever see.

“Socialism with Chinese characteristics”

Oh this is not a good day for Dutton :joy:

On Thursday evening, Victoria police commander Mark Galliott, apologised for the error, and said it was too soon to say whether the man will be compensated.

“I wouldn’t say it was a blunder, the investigators had sufficient information to make the arrest. “There was an error in arresting the person and remanding him and as I said, as soon as we found out about that we’ve rectified it. We apologise sincerely for what’s occurred.

That has the feel of an incomplete Clarke & Dawe sketch.

Clarke: I wouldn’t say it was a blunder

Dawe: But others would?
Clarke: Oh most certainly.
Dawe: Why is that?
Clarke: Well they arrested the wrong man.


God, I can hear them doing it.


All Mohammed’s look the same or something?