And yet all of them really win, as now they can’t get a “fair” criminal trial in the country.
And yet all of them really win, as now they can’t get a “fair” criminal trial in the country.
Was this another Kerry Stokes windmill tilt?
Lehrmann is pending trial in QLD. Thankfully very little press about it so far and hopefully the judge can suppress the fuck out of everything until it’s over.
Porter was never getting a trial after the poor victim died.
Roberts-Smith, well I cant see anything happening there either. Three and a half years since the Brereton report was released, 8 years since the end of the period they were investigating… nothing doing there. Everyone from the murderer through defense command and the government would rather just draw a line under it I’m sure.
Probably helps that the outgoing CDF was in charge of what was happening there.
It’s not 100% incorrect though. The media is very quick to jump onto cases like these and the pressure and hype built up by them inevitably affects the case, making it ridiculously difficult in court to properly carry out proceedings.
Edit: while I do believe the media should really stick out of trials apart from simple factual reporting, I probably should have read the whole thing… That’s fucked, including the “fake rape crysis”
“… the domestic violence industry”
Fuck me what a piece of shit.
The world is a terrible place full of terrible people which is why I like to sit on cliffs and stare wistfully into valleys.
The Germans have a word for that.
Well of course they do!
How does that differ from “ennui”?
Well, one is just effeminate french bollocks and the other is a strong, Germanic feeling.
Ironically, the fact that the French can express the same sentiment with six fewer letters is, itself, a source of weltschmerz for the Germans.
Ennui is more of a borgeois French feeling, the kind that you get when you’re part of the rentier class who lives purely on the interest of your investments and thus have no reason to work, and your life therefore has no meaning, oh the humanity… but you couldn’t possibly work.
Sounds like it’s closer to a state of despair and Ennui is more of an apathy no?
And on Tuesday, the organisation behind the Presumption of Innocence Conference, hosted by men’s rights activist Bettina Arndt , announced that Lehrmann would no longer be headlining the $100-a-ticket event. “He is being subject to extremely aggressive pursuit by media and is concerned his participation may jeopardise this important event and distract from its main purpose,” Arndt’s organisation Mothers of Sons posted on Facebook.
That and he’s been found guilty of Rape
I’m still getting warm fuzzies the below every time I see that wanker in the news.
I mean, “on the balance of probabilities” in a civil court. If there were real justice in the world, he’d actually be convicted of it in a criminal sense.
LaBoR dOn’T kNoW hOw To MaNaGe MoNeY!!!111
So I assume “costs” orders from a court are not dischargeable debt in a bankruptcy?