I’d say it is a veeeery high chance of satire!
I’d say it is a veeeery high chance of satire!
Of course, the left wouldn’t do anything as crazy as cancel people for saying or doing something they disagree with, especially not in the past decade. Carry on
Serious response that isn’t just a snarky ‘this HAS GOTTA be satire rite guys??’ is that we probably define it as different things because of our differing political views, but to me cancel culture has been predominantly driven by the left. If you google a list of cancelled celebrities there’s an obvious trend there that’s hard to argue with. I’m not saying people don’t deserve to be cancelled either, that’s not really a part of my argument.
I wasn’t even aware this was a controversial ‘satirical’ opinion tbh.
Are you actually being serious? It’s an issue on both sides of the divide… How many brands and businesses have been attacked because they’ve come out as being pro-LGBTQI etc. I mean saying it’s a left wing thing is just absolutely daft… right wing politicians and individuals have been calling for boycotts for decades…
It’s dog whistling by the right, just like comedians claiming they’re being cancelled during a special being shown on Netflix.
Only if you read Murdoch or warch Sky.
Stupid people are stupid people. Consequences are not “cancellation”.
The whole “blank is cancelled” is one of the dumbest narratives in modern anglophone culture.
it’s this absolutely stupid American right-wing belief that “freedom of speech” is also freedom from consequences. You can pretty much say whatever you want in society, but if you say something that people don’t agree with, or offends people, be expected to suffer consequences.
The sad thing is that many people on the left have adopted the same mentality of thinking they’re free from consequences.
Society in general has lost its ability to agree to disagree.
This man gets it
I disagree
You fucking commie
Socialist leach.
Sorry but you’ve poked a real thorn in my foot.
Conservatism as it’s core is entirely about what they would call “cancellation”. It’s about maintaining the status quo or reverting to some supposed “better time”. It’s about conformity. Anything different must be either illegal or societally unacceptable.
Different religion? Nope.
Different skin colour? Nope.
Different culture? Nope.
Different class or caste? Nope.
Different gender? Nope.
Different way of doing things? Nope.
All this “cancellation” garbage is projection because they think of everything as a zero sum game. Freedom? Well if other people have freedom that must mean I have less. Rights? Well if they have rights I must have fewer rights. If I didn’t get something no one else can have it because that would be “unfair” - regardless of whether need or even what it. No one can have something I don’t have. If they got a bit more that must mean I have a bit less.
It’s very akin to the civility line to be honest. What is civil? Civility is supposed to extend to behaviour in addition to language. Let’s just say you move very quickly towards the paradox of tolerance there. If someone spends their life advocating that me and mine should be second class citizens or force others to follow their religion etc. then “civility” becomes a shield for the intolerant.
Absolutely there are morons & lunatics in the “lefist” (for want of a better word) world, people who don’t practice what they preach or don’t understand the different between tolerance and enthusiastic acceptance. I’d never pretend otherwise. But the narrative that “cancellation” is a “lefist” problem is utter nonsense (ditto the civility angle).
I think “cancelling” is different to that.
I feel it’s more withdrawing support or interest in something or someone that used to be socially acceptable, but society has moved on from.
So Ricky Gervais making fun of trans people - that used to be pretty much ok, even mainstream (catch an episode of The Simpsons, sometime). Now its just outdated at best and hateful at worst.
So conservatives are sensitive to “cancel culture” because it comes up for them more often. Their ideals and standards become outdated more regularly.
But it’s not a real thing. The only place it’s really coordinated or tangible is Twitter where people signal a lot louder. The vast majority just think it’s unfunny and move on with their lives.
But that’s not “cancel culture”.
Thats right wing governments censoring stuff it disagrees with.
No one is banning Louis CK. Im probably just not going to watch his Netflix special. But lots of people will.
These people that have been cancelled, don’t seem to be very cancelled to me.
I agree that’s often what happens in reality, I think paired with an inability of the subject to be reflect on whatever subject or behaviour being criticised. That’s not how it’s presented in right wing media or talked about by commentators or politicians though. It’s presented as an “fanatical” attack on their values (whether it’s related to the issue or not), and something that only the “left” does.
I think it is.
Don’t get more cancelled than a banning.
And it’s the exact same process. “I don’t like what you have to say so I don’t think you should say it to anyone.”
There’s abilities in place to ban books and they are used. Give it time, there’s just no law to ban CK Lewis with.
But I guess NWA never got banned.
But Bodycount did have to take CopKiller off their debut album.
Drill music doesn’t have a hard time being performed in Sydney …
“I don’t like what you have to say so I don’t think you should say it to anyone.”
Sometimes there’s a law. Sometimes there’s social pressure.
Yeah… “Becoming less socially acceptable” and “banned by the government” aren’t the same thing.
Like Tenacious D who started this whole discussion? Who had their event “cancelled”?