It's OK to be White and other dogwhistles - the Australian politics thread

Pauline Hanson just posted this photo complaining about the Australian students leaving a mess after their protest on Friday.

Only problem, the photo is of Parliament Square in London. To confirm, check out Street View in the link below.

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You can tell just by the cars, buildings and trees in the background, let alone the streetview. It also looks to me like it has been left in one manageable pile with what could be placed in garbage bags, placed into garbage bags. Maybe they were instructed to leave it like that.

Pauline Hanson should just leave parliament and go to take over from Tracy Grimshaw or whichever sorry sod is the face of ACA these days. She would be in her element there.

Great to see our PM is clever and talented at something - plotting and scheming to game the system to further his own career.
Sadly he’s shown no sign of any aptitude for anything to benefit the country or its people.

I loved the bit about the prayer group banding together behind him. The party that prays together slays (PMs) together.

He’s also good at shitting himself at Engadine Maccas.

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Sauce? I saw a tweet hinting at this yesterday. It’s funny, but alas would only strengthen his standing in that electorate.

He’s just a daggy Dad, and nothing more.

Daggy dad?

The man is a cunt.


Well he’s that too. As I described it to someone, he’s the politic equivalent of Peter Hellier.

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I don’t watch Ch10 so I have no idea how to describe Peter Hellier.


Onion-esque. Absolutely brilliant.

Superb stuff. Just annoyed my wife with my giggling like an eejit at the reviews of Engadine Macca’s.

Don’t want to defend ScoMo, but has anyone considered the possibility there was a second shitter?

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He’s doing a decent job of wrecking the joint:

Apparently the CCTV footage confirms… back and to the left


Was he hiding on the grassy knoll?

one nation are following the NRA playbook to the letter.