It's still nil all boys! - The Park Football Thread

Also running the uni club and helping with parking at breakers home games! I’m surprised you had time to get a degree!!

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First open training session for my son’s team had 4 kids.
Only a couple of days notice so hopefully more come out soon.

Apparently we’ve lost a couple of players from last season to the NPL side.

I did my best to run an interesting training session for an hour with 4 kids :rofl:

so just reruns of Bluey?

Pokemon go as “laps”

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Not usually the favourite viewing for 15 and 16 year olds

My team is a merger of a lower mid-table div 2 35s team with the remnants of a div 1 team that lost most of its players to 45s, and we’ve been graded div 1.

First time I’ve played in a team in a div 1 comp in my live and I’m 43.

I sense this is gonna be a hard year…

Survived last season so gearing up to go around again in the lowest rung of The Hills Association this weekend (there is nothing below 45/3’s :sweat_smile: ).

Took the dog for a walk this morning and do have to ask WTF is going on at Bella Vista FC though. :joy:

My kids club has so many youth teams now that they are struggling to have places for them to train. Have a main home ground with 5 fields and a secondary open space that is basically a reserve next to a cricket oval that we are allocated certain days to be able to use (another club is allocated other days as they have run out of space as well). - We have had to turn up on a day not allocated to us and just pretend we belong there… all while I drive past a local rugby league club on the way that has 5 fields and maybe one being used - on top of another new facility built for them as well. Just crazy

So the club my son used to play for basically just did nothing to get a team together for the under 15s or 16s.

I could see it coming so I hit up a mate who is coaching at another club 10 minutes down the road and he accepted my son into the team.

So it looks like I’ll be his assistant coach for the season :smile:

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Fuck Dunbar.


That UNSW synthetic field felt rather short when I played on it. Even I nearly scored there once.
I kicked the ball out of my hands, the opposition GK misjudged the bounce and the ball went over his head and just wide of the goal.
I used to have to kick from deeper in my box just to control the distance.

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God that morning after the first training session back is rough. Lots of muscles I haven’t used in a while.

Got our first game this Saturday, assuming the fields aren’t underwater…

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This was a hot topic at training last night… do we have a market for cancellations?

100% getting cancelled.

We’re not looking as bad as Sydney out this way. 20-50mm on Friday, 1-10mm on Saturday. But they’re usually pretty cautious about fucking up the fields first weekend of the season.

You’re out my way near Bathurst yeah?

I’d be shocked if any games in Sydney not on synthetic pitches go ahead. I’ve already made plans expecting my game to get canned.

Yeah been playing in the Orange comp the last few years, bit closer to home and training is just up the road.

Our training grounds in Bathurst (Police Paddocks) were closed the other day after rain - some areas reopened yesterday for training - not sure what Proctor Park looks like - will be interesting to see what happens.

How’s Jack Brabham looking at the moment?