I've got a bad feeling about this – The Star Wars Thread

At least it isn’t a re-hash of ep 3 (like ep7 was), or decide to totally chicken out, basically park characters and take the safe route like ep 9. I just remember leaving the cinema after seeing ep 8 being not sure how to feel about it and subsequently liking it more after the second viewing.

I think I’ve seen 7 twice. Be an odd circumstance for me to watch 8 and 9 again.

Did they ever state why the decided to ignore the work of Timothy Zahn et al.

I’d say that it was about royalties etc.

One thing about the pre-Disney days, is that you had a crap tonne of writers all writing separately, but managing to weave a tapestry of the Star Wars Universe. There were a few hit and miss books, but characters were still carried over etc. It’s surprising that Disney didn’t at least talk to some of these authors and bring them in to give direction.

Disney doesn’t want to pay those writers for the works they continue to sell and profit from, so can’t imagine they’d be willing to enter new engagements with them…

So Lucas screwed them?

can they still write novels based on sta rwars?

George Lucas (metaphorically) screwed everyone, the audience more than most. As he himself said, he did not make movies, he sold toys.

The basic formula for a Star Wars movie. It’s a treasure hunt movie until they fall into a trap and then its a running away movie. If the first planet is hot then one of the later planets has to be cold, if the first planet is a snow ball planet then one of the later planets has to be a tropical greenhouse. Each movie requires at least one, but preferably three, characters that can be easily marketed as toys. And when the plot created by bad writing and unconvincing love interest gets too much, ex deus machina.

Lucas should have served time (in a third world country) for episode 1.

The only redeeming feature are the special effects, best watched with the thumb poised above the fast forward button. Anticipating a new Star Wars is like supporting the Mariners, you live in hope that they wont be shit but you will, more often than not, be disappointed.

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Endor doesn’t fit into anything of that? Sure it had high vegetation, but the temperate weather and the coniferous type trees paint a picture of a cooler climate. Also, if you look at the Ewok society, the high fur covering wouldn’t be an advantageous evolutionary trait for a tropical world, which again suggests cooler climates.

Dagobah, would really be a tropical greenhouse as it is more of a swampy land prone to heavy fogs, not a land that would lend itself to high levels of vegetative growth. In fact you can see in the move that there is very little in plant growth, with most trees having very little green on them at all. With the small amounts of light being able to penetrate through to the forest floor, you’d be having higher amounts of fungi or plants that require small amounts of light for photosynthesis, none of which are known to grow to any huge sizes and wouldn’t lend themselves to creating a greenhouse effect with the three separate vegetative layers that one would find in a traditional rainforest.

No, Disney is screwing them.

Disney is of the opinion that they bought the assets from Lucas Film (i.e. the rights to publish the content) but not the liabilities (i.e. paying royalties for the content they publish).


Which is absolute bullshit of course.

Timothy Zahn is writing novels for Disney Star Wars, including a new Thrawn trilogy.

An incredible amount of the old legends stuff has found its way into the Disney Star Wars universe. Some of it in novels, some in cartoons, some in the new movies. The most recent example was the dark troopers shown in the Mandalorian. I have no idea about the royalties.

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best books for me were the Rogue Squadron books. Closely followed by the Thrawn Trilogy.

The Thrawn stuff by Disney, I thought, was more to do with fans pushing for it, rather than a pre-planned push from Disney



Johnson and Abrams could learn about story telling from the guy that’s doing The Mandalorian.

I have spoken.

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The last part of the final ep in this second season of Mandalorian was a bit rad!

Shut up. I’ve only just finished season 1.

Hurry up then

I’m conflicted on that scene. Don’t like that it exists, but fucking loved watching it.