Life on two wheels: the motorcycling thread

Tis only 2km…

Any recommendations for insurance providers?
Also boots, local inner west retail?

Bike shop recommended Swann.

Ive just done NRMA on insurance cause Im lazy.

I use Forma Adventure Lows for everyday riding. Theyre about $300.

Id suggest going out to MCAS at Auburn. Upstairs is a clearance section.

There’s an MCAS on Wentworth in town too.

The aldi yearly sale is worth a shout but that would be September.

And i dont want want to be that guy so ill say it just once. ATGATT. All the gear all the time.

What bike did you get?

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Himi Hilly.


Its also nicely underpowered and over weight so should be beaut for just puting around on.

I thought that closed down years ago. Auburn much better anyway.

Swann has always been several times cheaper than any other option for me, and their excesses for learners etc are pretty fair and straightforward.

I’m out of the gang though, sold my bike to my former housemate last year so she could keep riding when we moved out.

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Surrey Hills is still open but looked a little small on google for my needs.

Good call on Auburn.
I drove out there early this morning.
Boots, Pants, Jacket & Alarm Disc Lock purchased.
Boots were clearance.
It was never going to be cheap but I couldn’t really get those items in dribs & drabs…
Still haven’t picked up the bike yet… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

They might start charging rent if this weather carries on…

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I thought I had posted pics after getting “Himi” home last Tuesday but it must’ve been somewhere else.
It’s been under cover ever since!



No idea how to rotate pics in the forum…


You should be able to do it in your gallery.



Oooh. Interest piqued.

Any contact deets on where to send this application?

If you’re on Facebook, lookup “Outback Casting”.

I fail the first two requirements… :pensive:

Thanks for that info mate.

Interestingly, all their posts on Facebook say ‘All Positions filled’.

And looks like it’s for folks based in Broken Hill, which definitely doesn’t apply to me, hahah.

I dunno about that, unless they’ve pulled that post altogether, the previous announcement post dated the “sorry we’re full” posts.
Join the group maybe and see if they update it?