Movie Thread VII: Adrian's Revenge

Part of the problem, to me, of the new star wars, is that they had a chance to continue on from the previous story line and continue to expand the universe, but in fact, they’ve regressed. The first three movies were about the rise of the empire and the downfall of the galactic senate. The next three were the struggle against a tyrannical empire, hell-bent on destruction. The latest three are essentially the same as the second three. There’s been zero development on the story line and universe, it almost makes the previous struggle by the rebellion completely pointless, as they’ve achieved absolutely nothing…

At least in the original canon, the books continued on from the downfall of the empire and seemed like the rebellion was building up from it’s success. In these last three, they’re still a shitty little ragtag bunch of survivors trying to make a difference, I’d even say they’re in a worse place than before as it seems like their ships and soldiers have decreased, while the Empire has just come back stronger.

One thing I would say, is that if the Palpatine was found to still be alive, it would make a bit more sense as much of the original canon indicates that the only reason the Empire survived and was so strong, was due to him keeping it together.

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That is utterly mind-boggling.

Yet its not really surprising. I was pretty cynical when Disney bought Star Wars out. Say what you will about the prequels, but Star Wars is George Lucas’ baby. To justify the huge spend Disney did on getting those rights, we were always going to see a shitload of movies and knew Disney would turn the proverbial money tin upside down and shake it until every last cent came out, regardless of how shit any given movie would end up.

Disney just thinks that everyone is going to rock up to watch a Star Wars movie just because its Star Wars. They found out with Solo that isn’t necessarily the case. They’ve failed to take due care of Star Wars in the last few years and it would not be surprising to me if they’re really hurting financially as a result. They certainly didn’t make any money from Solo.

According to IMDB, the gross is about 93 million more than the budget.

Not what I’ve seen in other sources. However, it still rams home the point. Disney can’t make an average Star Wars movie and expect to make $600m+ out of it. Solo should be a serious warning for them.

The prequels are pretty well loved now days. There is a whole generation of kids who grew up on the prequels and animated Clone Wars. For me, the acting of some of the leads was wooden, the CGI was still new and jarring, but the story was great. Revenge of the Sith is one of my favourite movies of the whole saga.

People may say that the same thing will happen with the Sequel Trilogy generation of kids. But Star Wars is now competing with the MCU, which makes it less certain.

From what I’ve read, Episode 8 still did exceptionally well at the box office, despite criticism. But it was also on the back of the successful Episode 7 and Rogue One. Han Solo was the movie that tanked. Additionally, where Disney is supposedly losing big money on Star Wars is on toy sales.

I agree with the other posts. Disney cant just turn out movie after movie and expect people to come. Star Wars isn’t the MCU and shouldnt be treated the same. Star Wars is a generational thing. 10 year gaps between trilogy’s, each saga is an event. The excitement around episode 7 on opening night was something I’ve never seen before.

Even in the cinema, everyone cheered when the fan favourites came on the screen for the first time. Except Leia. Absolutely no cheering for Leia.

There were cheers for Leia in mine. Also huge cheers for her during episode 8, but for obvious (sad) reasons.

I actually enjoyed Solo. Thought it was pretty decent

I haven’t seen it
I don’t feel like I am missing anything.

You’re not missing anything, the movie was really only a cash grab.

I enjoyed it too. So did my boys who are 7 and 9. If you’re into Star Wars there’s no reason not to see it. It’s pretty good, better than Ep 8.

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That happened to me a year or so ago, I completely had enough of all the caped crusades. Didn’t want to keep dragging out to the cinema for medium quality films, out of a sense of obligation to continue being a part of it all.

I don’t do that anymore, just not for me.

Solo was enjoyable enough. But I went in with really low expectations.

Similar to Mr2046, I’m incredibly exhausted from the MCU. I think End Game will be the last Marvel film I see in the cinema…

My issue with Solo is that it was a movie that didn’t need to be made. For example, I was completely comfortable with Han Solo’s mystique, especially with Harrison Ford playing it. For all we know, the Kessel run claim could’ve just been complete bullshit and it would’ve fit in with Han Solo’s infamy as the galaxy’s greatest swindler, or at least someone who didn’t mind exaggerating any achievements of his! And the random Darth Maul appearance at the end was really strange. I could only suppose that it was some reference to Star Wars Rebels that I’m not aware of.

Solo was probably made on the premise of a checklist of things that Han did, or claimed he did, during his past, and everything got ticked off during the movie, so nobody can be accused of saying it doesn’t do what it says on the tin. I didn’t feel the way it was conveyed was particularly coherent or interesting (particularly the Sabacc games, which was only marginally less awful and uninteresting than the fucking casino scene in TLJ), and effectively removed some of my interest in Han’s character in the process.

Yes, it was a decent movie and somewhat enjoyable, but I also agree with Sydney Rovers. It was a blatant attempted cash grab that didn’t pay off nearly as much as Disney hoped. So many people must have seen through that strategy early because the hype around the movie was comparatively small.

Yeah I cant argue you with any of that Blue Sky. Maul survived being cut in half and featured heavily in Clone Wars and Rebels before facing Kenobi one more time.

Im confident that the hiatus after episode 9 will do the franchise good. Hopefully the GOT directors create a new interesting trilogy unrelated to the Skywalker saga. I actually think the new TV series look promising. Here is a link to the first 7 minutes of the Mandalorian.

Avengers End Game is all sorts of awesome

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Yeah it was in my top 5 films in the series. I was genuinely entertained for the whole 3 hours.

Loved it. Only negative was the family of slobs that decided it was a good idea to bring their 5 year old to watch a 3 hour movie. Suck shit to the dad that had to take her outside right when the end part of the battle started

I took my 4 year old and he loved it.
He moved a couple of times between seats but otherwise had a great time.

Also we loved it too. I was like a kid a bunch of times getting all excited. Been a while since I enjoyed a movie like that.